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Community Partnerships

Does your community have big ideas but need help making them a reality? You’re not alone— many communities are aware of their challenges but lack the resources, capacity or funding to start tackling these projects.

Download overview of all current community partnerships.


Value of Community Partnerships

Through the Connected Communities initiative, TVA provides hands-on tailored support and consulting services to communities around TVA’s service region. This support helps communities build capacity and realize meaningful improvements across the Connected Communities’ four focus areas and test real-world applications of research, strategic guidance and tools for advancement.

Each partnership is unique and will engage a range of local stakeholders based on community circumstances and priority topics for partnership support.

Analyze/Guide/Identify/Debrief/Evaluate/Develop/Review - Partnership Illustration

This year-long collaboration includes Connected Communities assistance with activities such as:

  1. Analyze current conditions of community resources, challenges and initiatives
  2. Evaluate potential actions or projects to ensure the best return on investment
  3. Guide community planning, visioning and goal-setting
  4. Develop scope of work for new initiatives and projects
  5. Identify and examine funding opportunities relevant to community priorities
  6. Review progress and suggest actions to help maintain or accelerate advancement
  7. Debrief initiatives and provide guidance for continued progress

During this year-long project, communities can expect to receive individual consulting services, including support in visioning, goal prioritization, and pursuit of good-fit funding opportunities.

Round 1 Community Partners

6 Round 1 community partnerships

The Connected Communities team currently works closely with the following six communities across the TVA service region to tackle their unique challenges and make advancements in the four focus areas.

Community Partnership One Pager - Supporting innovation through community partnerships

Connected Communities Support

Explore the PDF for more information on community focuses and how the Connected Communities initiative supports progress across the region.

Download PDF