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Ariel view of communities

Resource Library

Our tools and resources can help you identify what your community needs to become more connected and design and implement projects effectively.


Community Information Hub

The Community Information Hub is the Connected Communities action portal where you can find multiple tools and resources that support your journey to becoming more connected. Visit the portal, set up a free account and begin using the tools and resources to benchmark your current conditions and find project ideas that are feasible and impactful for your community. The portal is also the place to stay up to date on Connected Communities news and events. Click here to visit the portal, or click on one of the resource links below to get started.

Community Maps

Community Maps

Our tool is a one-stop-shop for publicly available economic and demographic data to help you understand more about the current state of your community across the Connected Communities four focus areas.

Community Assessment Tool

Community Assessment Tool

Whether your community is a town, a county, a selection of counties or even a whole state, you can use this tool to understand your current conditions and benchmark those against milestones that represent what a fully “connected” community could look like.

Resource Database

Resource Database

This database aims to help communities identify opportunities and learn from other communities’ efforts through concepts, programs, reports and policies from across the U.S.

Funding Opportunities Database

Funding Opportunities Database

This database provides in-depth information regarding new funding opportunities for topics like broadband, economic development, job training and more.


Data and Guides


Connected Communities Guidebook

Communities can use this Guidebook to work through the process of developing a Connected Communities strategy.

Community Funding Guidebook

Community Funding Guidebook

Interested in exploring funding opportunities but overwhelmed with where to start? The Community Funding Guidebook provides an overview of different types of funding, details of specific funding opportunities and best practices for pursuing funding.

Implementation Guides

Implementation Guides

The booklets provide examples of how to use the Connected Communities Guidebook to design and implement a program, detailing potential impacts, common challenges and technology and community considerations.

Get Connected: A technology Landscape for communities in the TVA Region

Get Connected: A Technology Landscape

Learn about 42 key technology applications that can support progress toward building connectedness across TVA’s service region. Use this report to determine which technologies are the best fit for your program.

Broadband Funding Guide

Broadband Funding Guide

If your program idea involves broadband infrastructure or expansion, this resource is for you. It outlines federal and state funding opportunities that may be available for your program.


Reference Materials

We conducted assessments and research to better understand opportunities to support communities in TVA’s service region in utilizing technology and data to create positive outcomes. Topic areas include broadband, community challenges and support areas, funding opportunities, preparedness of communities and more.

Broadband Assessment

Broadband Assessment Report

This report summarizes the current state of broadband offerings in TVA’s service region and offers a deep dive into opportunities for TVA to help improve equitable access to broadband and digital literacy.

Access the Report
Funding Access Barriers Assessment and Support

Funding Access Barriers Assessment

This assessment is an exploration and highlight of the barriers to funding that many of TVA’s local communities experience. Funding opportunities as of November 2022 are explained, insights called out and areas of support identified.

Access The Report
Community Readiness Baseline Report

Community Readiness Baseline and Best Practices Assessment

This report provides a snapshot of TVA communities’ readiness to pursue projects related to the Connected Communities focus areas and how conditions in TVA’s service region compare to other parts of the country.

Access The Report
Community Conversations

Community Conversations

Based on conversations with community representatives that took place during August and September 2022, these findings provide a high-level window into the current conditions and views of communities in TVA’s service region.

Access the report 

Key Success Factors for Connected Communities

After researching and learning from communities across the country, we have identified four key success factors that are foundational to becoming a more connected community.

 vision governance and community planning efforts Icon

Vision, Governance and Community Planning Efforts

Communities have relevant documents, policies, plans and partnerships that aid a community in setting and achieving goals. Read the topic brief for more information on community planning and examples of comprehensive planning across the TVA service region.

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Assets and Infrastructure

Systems and materials are in place that enable communities to make progress in other areas. These assets may include affordable housing, smart meters, broadband and solar, among others.

TVA-CC-Website-Icons funding and resource access

Funding and Resource Access

Funding and other resources to support action are available and accessible.

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Skilled and Engaged Community

There is an active network of stakeholders to inform and support activities. Skilled people are available to support projects and foster a culture of locally sourced innovation. Read the topic brief for more information regarding workforce development and highlights from our region in this resource.

Additional Resources

Download these resources to advocate for your community to build a strategy to engage stakeholders and implement solutions to make your community more connected.

Connected Communities Roadmap2.0

Roadmap 2.0

Utilize the Roadmap to share TVA’s Connected Communities definition, vision, goals, leading practices and success factors with your stakeholders.

Access the Roadmap


Ready-to-Go Fliers

Use the fliers to share TVA’s Connected Communities mission and vision, as well as available resources with your stakeholders.


We Can Help You Engage Your Stakeholders

Would you like help communicating your vision and motivating your stakeholders and partners? We can help you refine your message and inspire your target audience. Email us at [email protected].