Compatible Trees and Shrubs
Planting the proper vegetation on TVA transmission line right of way easements can help provide a sustainable and compatible plant community. Low-growing trees, shrubs, and other plants can be compatible with TVA rights of way—here is an extensive list of acceptable plants, including botanical and common names, as well as attributes. Additional vegetation species may also be compatible with TVA right of way easements based on the specific variety and location, please contact the TVA Transmission Right of Way team to discuss.
Scientific Name | Common Name | Native Species? | Cultivars Available? | Evergreen or Deciduous? | Comments |
Abelia X grandiflora | Glossy Abelia | No | Yes | Deciduous | Easy to grow and tolerant of many habitats; white-pink flowers |
Aesculus parviflora | Bottlebrush Buckeye | Yes | No | Deciduous | Multi-stem, colony-forming shrub with large spikes of white flowers |
Buxus microphylla | Littleleaf Boxwood | No | Yes | Evergreen | Easily shaped with pruning |
Buxus sempervirens | Common Boxwood | No | Yes | Evergreen | Easily shaped with pruning |
Callicarpa japonica | Japanese Beautyberry | No | Yes | Deciduous | Multi-stem shrub producing showy berries |
Callicarpa americana | American Beautyberry | Yes | Yes | Deciduous | Multi-stem shrub producing showy berries |
Calycanthus floridus | Sweetshrub | Yes | Yes | Deciduous | Maroon-red sweet-scented flowers |
Chaenomeles speciosa | Flowering Quince | No | Yes | Deciduous | Flowers ranging from red to white; rounded form with spiny twigs |
Clethra alnifolia | Sweet Pepperbush | Yes | Yes | Deciduous | Fragrant, with long flower spikes |
Cornus sericea | Red Osier Dogwood | Yes | Yes | Deciduous | Multi-stem shrub with showy bark |
Cotinus coggygria | Smokebush | No | Yes | Deciduous | Many with red-purple foliage, airy flowers, good fall color |
Forsythia X intermedia | Forsythia | No | Yes | Deciduous | Showy yellow flowers in early spring |
Fothergilla gardenii | Dwarf Fothergilla | Yes | Yes | Deciduous | 2 to 3 ft. tall, white flowers in spring with good fall color |
Fothergilla major | Large Fothergilla | Yes | Yes | Deciduous | To 10 ft. tall, white flowers in spring with good fall color |
Hamamelis vernalis | Vernal Witch Hazel | Yes | Yes | Deciduous | Flowers from late winter to early spring; good screen and fall color |
Hibiscus syriacus | Rose of Sharon | No | Yes | Deciduous | Summer flowering; good for borders |
Hydrangea arborescens | Smooth Hydrangea | Yes | Yes | Deciduous | Many cultivated varieties available, white flowers |
Hydrangea macrophylla | Bigleaf Hydrangea | No | Yes | Deciduous | Rounded shrub with large, showy flowers |
Hydrangea quercifolia | Oakleaf Hydrangea | Yes | Yes | Deciduous | Attractive exfoliating bark and showy flowers |
Hypericum spp. | Shrubby St. Johnswort | In Part | Yes | Deciduous | Multiple species; groundcovers and shrubs with large, yellow flowers |
Ilex crenata | Japanese Holly | No | Yes | Evergreen | Attractive berries, numerous cultivated, low-growing varieties |
Ilex glabra | Inkberry | Yes | Yes | Evergreen | Attractive berries, numerous cultivated, low-growing varieties |
Ilex verticillata | Common Winterberry | Yes | Yes | Deciduous | Showy red fruit in winter; Ilex verticillata X serrata hybrids are also ornamental |
Illicium floridanum | Florida Anisetree | Yes | Yes | Evergreen | Rare in the wild; attractive red flowers, prefers part sun to shade |
Itea virginica | Virginia Sweetspire | Yes | Yes | Variable | Ranging from deciduous to evergreen; attractive white flowers |
Juniperus horizontalis | Creeping Juniper | Yes | Yes | Evergreen | Low-growing, sprawling shrub; good ground cover |
Kalmia latifolia | Mountain Laurel | Yes | Yes | Evergreen | Attractive flowers, numerous cultivated, low-growing varieties |
Leucothoe spp. | Fetterbush, Dog-hobble | In Part | Yes | Evergreen | Multiple species; low-growing shrub with lustrous foliage |
Lindera benzoin | Spicebush | Yes | Yes | Deciduous | Nice flowers, fruit; good for wetter areas |
Loropetalum chinense | Chinese Fringe-flower | No | Yes | Evergreen | Shrub with attractive flowers, choose low-growing varieties |
Neviusia alabamensis | Alabama Snow-wreath | Yes | No | Deciduous | Rare in the wild with showy white flowers in spring; colonial, good for borders |
Philadelphus inodorus | Mock Orange | Yes | No | Deciduous | Shrub with rounded form and white flowers |
Physocarpus opulifolius | Common Ninebark | Yes | Yes | Deciduous | Exfoliating bark on older stems, good for borders; cultivated varieties are superior |
Pieris floribunda | Mountain Pieris | Yes | No | Evergreen | Native, attractive low-growing shrub |
Pieris japonica | Japanese Pieris | No | Yes | Evergreen | Attractive foliage and flowers; good for borders |
Prunus laurocerasus | Cherry Laurel | No | Yes | Evergreen | Multi-stemmed, numerous cultivated, low-growing varieties |
Rhododendron carolinianum | Carolina Rhododendron | Yes | Yes | Evergreen | Showy flowers; prefers good drainage and some shade |
Rhododendron catawbiense | Catawaba Rhododendron | Yes | Yes | Evergreen | Showy flowers; prefers good drainage and some shade |
Rhododendron spp. | Azalea | In Part | Yes | Deciduous | Showy flowers, some repeat blooming; choose low-growing varieties |
Rhus aromatica | Fragrant Sumac | Yes | Yes | Deciduous | Spreading shrub with red berries; leaves fragrant when crushed |
Rosa spp. | Rose | In Part | Yes | Deciduous | Multiple species with numerous cultivars; grown for the attractive flowers |
Styrax americanus | American Snowbell | Yes | No | Deciduous | Bell-shaped white flowers in early summer |
Syringa spp. | Common Lilac | No | Yes | Deciduous | Aromatic flowers, numerous cultivated, low-growing varieties |
Vaccinium spp. | Blueberry | Yes | Yes | Deciduous | Fantastic edible, good fall color, requires acidic soil |
Viburnum spp. | Viburnum | In Part | Yes | Variable | Attractive flowers, numerous cultivated, low-growing varieties |
Weigela florida | Weigela | No | Yes | Deciduous | Large, adaptable shrub with arching branches; appropriate for borders |