Current TVA Transmission System Projects
Bristol, Tennessee (South Bristol)
Update – August 2023
The schedule for this project has been adjusted as follows. (Dates are subject to change. Unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)
Sullivan-South Bristol Transmission Line
- Realty appraisals begin - Late summer 2023
- Easement purchase begins - Spring 2024
- Right of way clearing begins - Early summer 2025
- Construction begins - Late summer 2025
- Project in service - Winter 2025-2026
Bluff City-South Bristol Transmission Line
- Realty appraisals begin - Late summer 2023
- Easement purchase begins - Winter 2024-2025
- Right of way clearing begins - Early winter 2025-2026
- Construction begins - Late winter 2025-2026
- Project in service - Spring 2026
Background 2
TVA has identified the preferred locations for transmission improvements that would provide power for growing load and increase power reliability in the Bristol, Tennessee area.
TVA evaluated each route using social, engineering, and environmental factors. Information sources included available data, aerial photography, limited onsite reviews, public review and comment, and property owner input. Based on public input and evaluation, the preferred routes are expected to have the least overall project impacts of the alternatives.
The new Sullivan-South Bristol line will be 10.8 miles long. It will begin at TVA’s Sullivan 500-kV Station and end at the new South Bristol 161-kV Station.
The new Bluff City-South Bristol line will be 3.4 miles long. It will begin at TVA’s Bluff City 161-kV Station and end at the new South Bristol 161-kV Station
The preferred locations for the new lines were selected from several options presented at a virtual open house from January 14 through February 16, 2021. Based on public input and evaluation, the preferred routes are expected to have the least overall project impacts of the alternatives.
The new lines will be built using primarily steel, single- and double-pole structures centered on a combination of existing and new 100-foot-wide right of way.
Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin in winter-spring 2022.
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin in fall 2022.
Construction is scheduled to begin in summer 2023.
The lines are scheduled to be in service in spring 2024.
Background 1
Proposed Transmission Project
TVA is considering improvements to its transmission system that would provide power for growing load and increase power reliability in the Bristol, Tennessee area.
Bristol Tennessee Essential Services (BTES) provides power to their service area from the Bluff City and Blountville 161-kilovolt Stations which they own jointly with TVA. These stations, along with TVA’s South Holston Hydro Plant, feed into BTES’s extensive 69-kilovolt system which is near capacity.
The Blountville Station is projected to exceed its guaranteed available (i.e., “firm”) capacity by winter 2021 based on forecasted system loading. The Bluff City Station is heavily loaded and could also overload in extreme conditions if power from the South Holston Hydro Plant is not available. Currently, the complete loss of either the Bluff City or Blountville Station during heavy loading conditions would result in an overload of the remaining substation. This overload scenario is worsened if the loss of either station should occur during a time when South Holston Hydro Plant generation is not available. Additionally, the loss of the Bluff City Station during heavy loading conditions creates heavy load flows on the entire 69-kilovolt system which could result in depressed system voltages and loss of load on the system.
Because the Bluff City Station cannot be taken out of service for any period of time due to current system conditions, BTES and TVA have been unable to complete upgrades to the station required by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation.
The BTES service area has also been growing steadily for the last five years. BTES has received several inquiries from potential customers about locating at their industrial parks. BTES would not be able to accommodate these potential new customers with the current loading on their system. This project would increase power reliability and support growing load in the Bristol, Tennessee area.
BTES proposes to build a new station, South Bristol 161-kilovolt Station, with very high capacity. Based on the new station’s increased capacity and BTES’s plans to provide for long-range growth and system backup needs, TVA proposes to provide two separate sources of power and would build two transmission lines from the grid into the new South Bristol Station.
BTES will build the South Bristol 161-kilovolt Station between Weaver Pike and State Route 394 in Bristol, Tennessee. TVA would serve the new station by building two single-circuit 161-kilovolt transmission lines that would each terminate at the new South Bristol Station. One new line would begin at TVA’s Sullivan 500-kilovolt Station, and the other would begin at TVA’s Bluff City 161-kilovolt Station.
The lines would be built using steel, single- and double-pole structures centered on existing and new 100-foot-wide right of way. The Sullivan-South Bristol Transmission Line would be approximately 9.4 to 12.7 miles long, and the Bluff City-South Bristol Transmission Line would be about 3.4 to 5.4 miles long.
In order to use existing right of way to the extent practical, TVA would parallel existing TVA power lines and may parallel an existing BTES line. In these areas, some new right of way would be required to attain the 100-foot width needed for TVA’s new lines. Also, TVA may utilize the vacant side of an existing line which would require no new right of way.
Property owners near and along the alternative transmission line segments have been invited to a virtual open house by mail – including about 346 property owners representing about 524 parcels.
The virtual open house is available from January 14 through February 16, 2021, at
Property owners and members of the public are invited to submit comments and questions about this proposed transmission project through February 16, 2021.
The project is expected to be in service in spring 2024. Construction is scheduled to begin in summer 2023. (Dates are subject to change. During projects of this magnitude, unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)
Public Involvement
TVA held a virtual open house online from January 14 through February 16, 2021, to present the project. Within this 30-day comment period, property owners and members of the public were able to submit questions and comments online, in writing, or by telephone.
The map shows the area of the proposed transmission improvements. The map is also available below as a PDF file.
If you have questions or need help understanding the map, please contact TVA (see below).
Preferred route of proposed transmission line
Possible routes of transmission line
Project Schedule
(Dates are subject to change. During projects of this magnitude, unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)
Sullivan-South Bristol Transmission Line
Virtual open house begins | January 14, 2021 |
Comments accepted through | February 16, 2021 |
Determine preferred route for field surveys | Spring 2021 |
Realty appraisals begin | Late summer 2023 |
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin | Spring 2024 |
Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin | Early summer 2025 |
Construction is scheduled to begin | Late Summer 2025 |
Project in service | Winter 2025-2026 |
Sullivan-South Bristol Transmission Line
Realty appraisals begin | Late summer 2023 |
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin | Winter 2024-2025 |
Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin | Early Winter 2025-2026 |
Construction is scheduled to begin | Late Winter 2025-2026 |
Project in service | Spring 2026 |
Environmental Reviews
The appropriate National Environmental Policy Act review will be conducted to ensure that the environmental impacts are minimized. TVA attempts to minimize any land requirements, private property impacts, and environmental impacts associated with this project.
Efforts are made during the siting process to avoid or minimize impacts to floodplains and wetlands in accordance with Executive Orders 11988 and 11990. Floodplains and wetlands are shown on the referenced map. The map illustrates how the route avoids or impacts floodplains and wetlands. Because of project and topographic constraints and because of minimizing impacts to other social, environmental, and engineering resources, no practicable alternative may be available that would allow complete avoidance of impacts to floodplains and wetlands which may require mitigation for minimizing impacts. Also, best management practices would be utilized throughout the project to minimize adverse floodplain and wetland impacts. In compliance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, TVA will be coordinating wetland findings with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
More information on this project can be obtained from:
Todd Liskey
[email protected]
1101 Market Street, MR 4G
Bristol, Tennessee (South Bristol)
Update – August 2023
The schedule for this project has been adjusted as follows. (Dates are subject to change. Unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)
Sullivan-South Bristol Transmission Line
- Realty appraisals begin - Late summer 2023
- Easement purchase begins - Spring 2024
- Right of way clearing begins - Early summer 2025
- Construction begins - Late summer 2025
- Project in service - Winter 2025-2026
Bluff City-South Bristol Transmission Line
- Realty appraisals begin - Late summer 2023
- Easement purchase begins - Winter 2024-2025
- Right of way clearing begins - Early winter 2025-2026
- Construction begins - Late winter 2025-2026
- Project in service - Spring 2026
Background 2
TVA has identified the preferred locations for transmission improvements that would provide power for growing load and increase power reliability in the Bristol, Tennessee area.
TVA evaluated each route using social, engineering, and environmental factors. Information sources included available data, aerial photography, limited onsite reviews, public review and comment, and property owner input. Based on public input and evaluation, the preferred routes are expected to have the least overall project impacts of the alternatives.
The new Sullivan-South Bristol line will be 10.8 miles long. It will begin at TVA’s Sullivan 500-kV Station and end at the new South Bristol 161-kV Station.
The new Bluff City-South Bristol line will be 3.4 miles long. It will begin at TVA’s Bluff City 161-kV Station and end at the new South Bristol 161-kV Station
The preferred locations for the new lines were selected from several options presented at a virtual open house from January 14 through February 16, 2021. Based on public input and evaluation, the preferred routes are expected to have the least overall project impacts of the alternatives.
The new lines will be built using primarily steel, single- and double-pole structures centered on a combination of existing and new 100-foot-wide right of way.
Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin in winter-spring 2022.
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin in fall 2022.
Construction is scheduled to begin in summer 2023.
The lines are scheduled to be in service in spring 2024.
Background 1
Proposed Transmission Project
TVA is considering improvements to its transmission system that would provide power for growing load and increase power reliability in the Bristol, Tennessee area.
Bristol Tennessee Essential Services (BTES) provides power to their service area from the Bluff City and Blountville 161-kilovolt Stations which they own jointly with TVA. These stations, along with TVA’s South Holston Hydro Plant, feed into BTES’s extensive 69-kilovolt system which is near capacity.
The Blountville Station is projected to exceed its guaranteed available (i.e., “firm”) capacity by winter 2021 based on forecasted system loading. The Bluff City Station is heavily loaded and could also overload in extreme conditions if power from the South Holston Hydro Plant is not available. Currently, the complete loss of either the Bluff City or Blountville Station during heavy loading conditions would result in an overload of the remaining substation. This overload scenario is worsened if the loss of either station should occur during a time when South Holston Hydro Plant generation is not available. Additionally, the loss of the Bluff City Station during heavy loading conditions creates heavy load flows on the entire 69-kilovolt system which could result in depressed system voltages and loss of load on the system.
Because the Bluff City Station cannot be taken out of service for any period of time due to current system conditions, BTES and TVA have been unable to complete upgrades to the station required by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation.
The BTES service area has also been growing steadily for the last five years. BTES has received several inquiries from potential customers about locating at their industrial parks. BTES would not be able to accommodate these potential new customers with the current loading on their system. This project would increase power reliability and support growing load in the Bristol, Tennessee area.
BTES proposes to build a new station, South Bristol 161-kilovolt Station, with very high capacity. Based on the new station’s increased capacity and BTES’s plans to provide for long-range growth and system backup needs, TVA proposes to provide two separate sources of power and would build two transmission lines from the grid into the new South Bristol Station.
BTES will build the South Bristol 161-kilovolt Station between Weaver Pike and State Route 394 in Bristol, Tennessee. TVA would serve the new station by building two single-circuit 161-kilovolt transmission lines that would each terminate at the new South Bristol Station. One new line would begin at TVA’s Sullivan 500-kilovolt Station, and the other would begin at TVA’s Bluff City 161-kilovolt Station.
The lines would be built using steel, single- and double-pole structures centered on existing and new 100-foot-wide right of way. The Sullivan-South Bristol Transmission Line would be approximately 9.4 to 12.7 miles long, and the Bluff City-South Bristol Transmission Line would be about 3.4 to 5.4 miles long.
In order to use existing right of way to the extent practical, TVA would parallel existing TVA power lines and may parallel an existing BTES line. In these areas, some new right of way would be required to attain the 100-foot width needed for TVA’s new lines. Also, TVA may utilize the vacant side of an existing line which would require no new right of way.
Property owners near and along the alternative transmission line segments have been invited to a virtual open house by mail – including about 346 property owners representing about 524 parcels.
The virtual open house is available from January 14 through February 16, 2021, at
Property owners and members of the public are invited to submit comments and questions about this proposed transmission project through February 16, 2021.
The project is expected to be in service in spring 2024. Construction is scheduled to begin in summer 2023. (Dates are subject to change. During projects of this magnitude, unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)
Public Involvement
TVA held a virtual open house online from January 14 through February 16, 2021, to present the project. Within this 30-day comment period, property owners and members of the public were able to submit questions and comments online, in writing, or by telephone.
The map shows the area of the proposed transmission improvements. The map is also available below as a PDF file.
If you have questions or need help understanding the map, please contact TVA (see below).
Preferred route of proposed transmission line
Possible routes of transmission line
Project Schedule
(Dates are subject to change. During projects of this magnitude, unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)
Sullivan-South Bristol Transmission Line
Virtual open house begins | January 14, 2021 |
Comments accepted through | February 16, 2021 |
Determine preferred route for field surveys | Spring 2021 |
Realty appraisals begin | Late summer 2023 |
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin | Spring 2024 |
Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin | Early summer 2025 |
Construction is scheduled to begin | Late Summer 2025 |
Project in service | Winter 2025-2026 |
Sullivan-South Bristol Transmission Line
Realty appraisals begin | Late summer 2023 |
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin | Winter 2024-2025 |
Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin | Early Winter 2025-2026 |
Construction is scheduled to begin | Late Winter 2025-2026 |
Project in service | Spring 2026 |
Environmental Reviews
The appropriate National Environmental Policy Act review will be conducted to ensure that the environmental impacts are minimized. TVA attempts to minimize any land requirements, private property impacts, and environmental impacts associated with this project.
Efforts are made during the siting process to avoid or minimize impacts to floodplains and wetlands in accordance with Executive Orders 11988 and 11990. Floodplains and wetlands are shown on the referenced map. The map illustrates how the route avoids or impacts floodplains and wetlands. Because of project and topographic constraints and because of minimizing impacts to other social, environmental, and engineering resources, no practicable alternative may be available that would allow complete avoidance of impacts to floodplains and wetlands which may require mitigation for minimizing impacts. Also, best management practices would be utilized throughout the project to minimize adverse floodplain and wetland impacts. In compliance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, TVA will be coordinating wetland findings with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
More information on this project can be obtained from:
Todd Liskey
[email protected]
1101 Market Street, MR 4G
Bristol, Tennessee (South Bristol)
Update – August 2023
The schedule for this project has been adjusted as follows. (Dates are subject to change. Unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)
Sullivan-South Bristol Transmission Line
- Realty appraisals begin - Late summer 2023
- Easement purchase begins - Spring 2024
- Right of way clearing begins - Early summer 2025
- Construction begins - Late summer 2025
- Project in service - Winter 2025-2026
Bluff City-South Bristol Transmission Line
- Realty appraisals begin - Late summer 2023
- Easement purchase begins - Winter 2024-2025
- Right of way clearing begins - Early winter 2025-2026
- Construction begins - Late winter 2025-2026
- Project in service - Spring 2026
Background 2
TVA has identified the preferred locations for transmission improvements that would provide power for growing load and increase power reliability in the Bristol, Tennessee area.
TVA evaluated each route using social, engineering, and environmental factors. Information sources included available data, aerial photography, limited onsite reviews, public review and comment, and property owner input. Based on public input and evaluation, the preferred routes are expected to have the least overall project impacts of the alternatives.
The new Sullivan-South Bristol line will be 10.8 miles long. It will begin at TVA’s Sullivan 500-kV Station and end at the new South Bristol 161-kV Station.
The new Bluff City-South Bristol line will be 3.4 miles long. It will begin at TVA’s Bluff City 161-kV Station and end at the new South Bristol 161-kV Station
The preferred locations for the new lines were selected from several options presented at a virtual open house from January 14 through February 16, 2021. Based on public input and evaluation, the preferred routes are expected to have the least overall project impacts of the alternatives.
The new lines will be built using primarily steel, single- and double-pole structures centered on a combination of existing and new 100-foot-wide right of way.
Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin in winter-spring 2022.
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin in fall 2022.
Construction is scheduled to begin in summer 2023.
The lines are scheduled to be in service in spring 2024.
Background 1
Proposed Transmission Project
TVA is considering improvements to its transmission system that would provide power for growing load and increase power reliability in the Bristol, Tennessee area.
Bristol Tennessee Essential Services (BTES) provides power to their service area from the Bluff City and Blountville 161-kilovolt Stations which they own jointly with TVA. These stations, along with TVA’s South Holston Hydro Plant, feed into BTES’s extensive 69-kilovolt system which is near capacity.
The Blountville Station is projected to exceed its guaranteed available (i.e., “firm”) capacity by winter 2021 based on forecasted system loading. The Bluff City Station is heavily loaded and could also overload in extreme conditions if power from the South Holston Hydro Plant is not available. Currently, the complete loss of either the Bluff City or Blountville Station during heavy loading conditions would result in an overload of the remaining substation. This overload scenario is worsened if the loss of either station should occur during a time when South Holston Hydro Plant generation is not available. Additionally, the loss of the Bluff City Station during heavy loading conditions creates heavy load flows on the entire 69-kilovolt system which could result in depressed system voltages and loss of load on the system.
Because the Bluff City Station cannot be taken out of service for any period of time due to current system conditions, BTES and TVA have been unable to complete upgrades to the station required by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation.
The BTES service area has also been growing steadily for the last five years. BTES has received several inquiries from potential customers about locating at their industrial parks. BTES would not be able to accommodate these potential new customers with the current loading on their system. This project would increase power reliability and support growing load in the Bristol, Tennessee area.
BTES proposes to build a new station, South Bristol 161-kilovolt Station, with very high capacity. Based on the new station’s increased capacity and BTES’s plans to provide for long-range growth and system backup needs, TVA proposes to provide two separate sources of power and would build two transmission lines from the grid into the new South Bristol Station.
BTES will build the South Bristol 161-kilovolt Station between Weaver Pike and State Route 394 in Bristol, Tennessee. TVA would serve the new station by building two single-circuit 161-kilovolt transmission lines that would each terminate at the new South Bristol Station. One new line would begin at TVA’s Sullivan 500-kilovolt Station, and the other would begin at TVA’s Bluff City 161-kilovolt Station.
The lines would be built using steel, single- and double-pole structures centered on existing and new 100-foot-wide right of way. The Sullivan-South Bristol Transmission Line would be approximately 9.4 to 12.7 miles long, and the Bluff City-South Bristol Transmission Line would be about 3.4 to 5.4 miles long.
In order to use existing right of way to the extent practical, TVA would parallel existing TVA power lines and may parallel an existing BTES line. In these areas, some new right of way would be required to attain the 100-foot width needed for TVA’s new lines. Also, TVA may utilize the vacant side of an existing line which would require no new right of way.
Property owners near and along the alternative transmission line segments have been invited to a virtual open house by mail – including about 346 property owners representing about 524 parcels.
The virtual open house is available from January 14 through February 16, 2021, at
Property owners and members of the public are invited to submit comments and questions about this proposed transmission project through February 16, 2021.
The project is expected to be in service in spring 2024. Construction is scheduled to begin in summer 2023. (Dates are subject to change. During projects of this magnitude, unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)
Public Involvement
TVA held a virtual open house online from January 14 through February 16, 2021, to present the project. Within this 30-day comment period, property owners and members of the public were able to submit questions and comments online, in writing, or by telephone.
The map shows the area of the proposed transmission improvements. The map is also available below as a PDF file.
If you have questions or need help understanding the map, please contact TVA (see below).
Preferred route of proposed transmission line
Possible routes of transmission line
Project Schedule
(Dates are subject to change. During projects of this magnitude, unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)
Sullivan-South Bristol Transmission Line
Virtual open house begins | January 14, 2021 |
Comments accepted through | February 16, 2021 |
Determine preferred route for field surveys | Spring 2021 |
Realty appraisals begin | Late summer 2023 |
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin | Spring 2024 |
Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin | Early summer 2025 |
Construction is scheduled to begin | Late Summer 2025 |
Project in service | Winter 2025-2026 |
Sullivan-South Bristol Transmission Line
Realty appraisals begin | Late summer 2023 |
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin | Winter 2024-2025 |
Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin | Early Winter 2025-2026 |
Construction is scheduled to begin | Late Winter 2025-2026 |
Project in service | Spring 2026 |
Environmental Reviews
The appropriate National Environmental Policy Act review will be conducted to ensure that the environmental impacts are minimized. TVA attempts to minimize any land requirements, private property impacts, and environmental impacts associated with this project.
Efforts are made during the siting process to avoid or minimize impacts to floodplains and wetlands in accordance with Executive Orders 11988 and 11990. Floodplains and wetlands are shown on the referenced map. The map illustrates how the route avoids or impacts floodplains and wetlands. Because of project and topographic constraints and because of minimizing impacts to other social, environmental, and engineering resources, no practicable alternative may be available that would allow complete avoidance of impacts to floodplains and wetlands which may require mitigation for minimizing impacts. Also, best management practices would be utilized throughout the project to minimize adverse floodplain and wetland impacts. In compliance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, TVA will be coordinating wetland findings with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
More information on this project can be obtained from:
Todd Liskey
[email protected]
1101 Market Street, MR 4G
Bristol, Tennessee (South Bristol)
Update – August 2023
The schedule for this project has been adjusted as follows. (Dates are subject to change. Unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)
Sullivan-South Bristol Transmission Line
- Realty appraisals begin - Late summer 2023
- Easement purchase begins - Spring 2024
- Right of way clearing begins - Early summer 2025
- Construction begins - Late summer 2025
- Project in service - Winter 2025-2026
Bluff City-South Bristol Transmission Line
- Realty appraisals begin - Late summer 2023
- Easement purchase begins - Winter 2024-2025
- Right of way clearing begins - Early winter 2025-2026
- Construction begins - Late winter 2025-2026
- Project in service - Spring 2026
Background 2
TVA has identified the preferred locations for transmission improvements that would provide power for growing load and increase power reliability in the Bristol, Tennessee area.
TVA evaluated each route using social, engineering, and environmental factors. Information sources included available data, aerial photography, limited onsite reviews, public review and comment, and property owner input. Based on public input and evaluation, the preferred routes are expected to have the least overall project impacts of the alternatives.
The new Sullivan-South Bristol line will be 10.8 miles long. It will begin at TVA’s Sullivan 500-kV Station and end at the new South Bristol 161-kV Station.
The new Bluff City-South Bristol line will be 3.4 miles long. It will begin at TVA’s Bluff City 161-kV Station and end at the new South Bristol 161-kV Station
The preferred locations for the new lines were selected from several options presented at a virtual open house from January 14 through February 16, 2021. Based on public input and evaluation, the preferred routes are expected to have the least overall project impacts of the alternatives.
The new lines will be built using primarily steel, single- and double-pole structures centered on a combination of existing and new 100-foot-wide right of way.
Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin in winter-spring 2022.
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin in fall 2022.
Construction is scheduled to begin in summer 2023.
The lines are scheduled to be in service in spring 2024.
Background 1
Proposed Transmission Project
TVA is considering improvements to its transmission system that would provide power for growing load and increase power reliability in the Bristol, Tennessee area.
Bristol Tennessee Essential Services (BTES) provides power to their service area from the Bluff City and Blountville 161-kilovolt Stations which they own jointly with TVA. These stations, along with TVA’s South Holston Hydro Plant, feed into BTES’s extensive 69-kilovolt system which is near capacity.
The Blountville Station is projected to exceed its guaranteed available (i.e., “firm”) capacity by winter 2021 based on forecasted system loading. The Bluff City Station is heavily loaded and could also overload in extreme conditions if power from the South Holston Hydro Plant is not available. Currently, the complete loss of either the Bluff City or Blountville Station during heavy loading conditions would result in an overload of the remaining substation. This overload scenario is worsened if the loss of either station should occur during a time when South Holston Hydro Plant generation is not available. Additionally, the loss of the Bluff City Station during heavy loading conditions creates heavy load flows on the entire 69-kilovolt system which could result in depressed system voltages and loss of load on the system.
Because the Bluff City Station cannot be taken out of service for any period of time due to current system conditions, BTES and TVA have been unable to complete upgrades to the station required by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation.
The BTES service area has also been growing steadily for the last five years. BTES has received several inquiries from potential customers about locating at their industrial parks. BTES would not be able to accommodate these potential new customers with the current loading on their system. This project would increase power reliability and support growing load in the Bristol, Tennessee area.
BTES proposes to build a new station, South Bristol 161-kilovolt Station, with very high capacity. Based on the new station’s increased capacity and BTES’s plans to provide for long-range growth and system backup needs, TVA proposes to provide two separate sources of power and would build two transmission lines from the grid into the new South Bristol Station.
BTES will build the South Bristol 161-kilovolt Station between Weaver Pike and State Route 394 in Bristol, Tennessee. TVA would serve the new station by building two single-circuit 161-kilovolt transmission lines that would each terminate at the new South Bristol Station. One new line would begin at TVA’s Sullivan 500-kilovolt Station, and the other would begin at TVA’s Bluff City 161-kilovolt Station.
The lines would be built using steel, single- and double-pole structures centered on existing and new 100-foot-wide right of way. The Sullivan-South Bristol Transmission Line would be approximately 9.4 to 12.7 miles long, and the Bluff City-South Bristol Transmission Line would be about 3.4 to 5.4 miles long.
In order to use existing right of way to the extent practical, TVA would parallel existing TVA power lines and may parallel an existing BTES line. In these areas, some new right of way would be required to attain the 100-foot width needed for TVA’s new lines. Also, TVA may utilize the vacant side of an existing line which would require no new right of way.
Property owners near and along the alternative transmission line segments have been invited to a virtual open house by mail – including about 346 property owners representing about 524 parcels.
The virtual open house is available from January 14 through February 16, 2021, at
Property owners and members of the public are invited to submit comments and questions about this proposed transmission project through February 16, 2021.
The project is expected to be in service in spring 2024. Construction is scheduled to begin in summer 2023. (Dates are subject to change. During projects of this magnitude, unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)
Public Involvement
TVA held a virtual open house online from January 14 through February 16, 2021, to present the project. Within this 30-day comment period, property owners and members of the public were able to submit questions and comments online, in writing, or by telephone.
The map shows the area of the proposed transmission improvements. The map is also available below as a PDF file.
If you have questions or need help understanding the map, please contact TVA (see below).
Preferred route of proposed transmission line
Possible routes of transmission line
Project Schedule
(Dates are subject to change. During projects of this magnitude, unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)
Sullivan-South Bristol Transmission Line
Virtual open house begins | January 14, 2021 |
Comments accepted through | February 16, 2021 |
Determine preferred route for field surveys | Spring 2021 |
Realty appraisals begin | Late summer 2023 |
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin | Spring 2024 |
Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin | Early summer 2025 |
Construction is scheduled to begin | Late Summer 2025 |
Project in service | Winter 2025-2026 |
Sullivan-South Bristol Transmission Line
Realty appraisals begin | Late summer 2023 |
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin | Winter 2024-2025 |
Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin | Early Winter 2025-2026 |
Construction is scheduled to begin | Late Winter 2025-2026 |
Project in service | Spring 2026 |
Environmental Reviews
The appropriate National Environmental Policy Act review will be conducted to ensure that the environmental impacts are minimized. TVA attempts to minimize any land requirements, private property impacts, and environmental impacts associated with this project.
Efforts are made during the siting process to avoid or minimize impacts to floodplains and wetlands in accordance with Executive Orders 11988 and 11990. Floodplains and wetlands are shown on the referenced map. The map illustrates how the route avoids or impacts floodplains and wetlands. Because of project and topographic constraints and because of minimizing impacts to other social, environmental, and engineering resources, no practicable alternative may be available that would allow complete avoidance of impacts to floodplains and wetlands which may require mitigation for minimizing impacts. Also, best management practices would be utilized throughout the project to minimize adverse floodplain and wetland impacts. In compliance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, TVA will be coordinating wetland findings with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
More information on this project can be obtained from:
Todd Liskey
[email protected]
1101 Market Street, MR 4G
North Carolina
Bristol, Tennessee (South Bristol)
Update – August 2023
The schedule for this project has been adjusted as follows. (Dates are subject to change. Unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)
Sullivan-South Bristol Transmission Line
- Realty appraisals begin - Late summer 2023
- Easement purchase begins - Spring 2024
- Right of way clearing begins - Early summer 2025
- Construction begins - Late summer 2025
- Project in service - Winter 2025-2026
Bluff City-South Bristol Transmission Line
- Realty appraisals begin - Late summer 2023
- Easement purchase begins - Winter 2024-2025
- Right of way clearing begins - Early winter 2025-2026
- Construction begins - Late winter 2025-2026
- Project in service - Spring 2026
Background 2
TVA has identified the preferred locations for transmission improvements that would provide power for growing load and increase power reliability in the Bristol, Tennessee area.
TVA evaluated each route using social, engineering, and environmental factors. Information sources included available data, aerial photography, limited onsite reviews, public review and comment, and property owner input. Based on public input and evaluation, the preferred routes are expected to have the least overall project impacts of the alternatives.
The new Sullivan-South Bristol line will be 10.8 miles long. It will begin at TVA’s Sullivan 500-kV Station and end at the new South Bristol 161-kV Station.
The new Bluff City-South Bristol line will be 3.4 miles long. It will begin at TVA’s Bluff City 161-kV Station and end at the new South Bristol 161-kV Station
The preferred locations for the new lines were selected from several options presented at a virtual open house from January 14 through February 16, 2021. Based on public input and evaluation, the preferred routes are expected to have the least overall project impacts of the alternatives.
The new lines will be built using primarily steel, single- and double-pole structures centered on a combination of existing and new 100-foot-wide right of way.
Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin in winter-spring 2022.
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin in fall 2022.
Construction is scheduled to begin in summer 2023.
The lines are scheduled to be in service in spring 2024.
Background 1
Proposed Transmission Project
TVA is considering improvements to its transmission system that would provide power for growing load and increase power reliability in the Bristol, Tennessee area.
Bristol Tennessee Essential Services (BTES) provides power to their service area from the Bluff City and Blountville 161-kilovolt Stations which they own jointly with TVA. These stations, along with TVA’s South Holston Hydro Plant, feed into BTES’s extensive 69-kilovolt system which is near capacity.
The Blountville Station is projected to exceed its guaranteed available (i.e., “firm”) capacity by winter 2021 based on forecasted system loading. The Bluff City Station is heavily loaded and could also overload in extreme conditions if power from the South Holston Hydro Plant is not available. Currently, the complete loss of either the Bluff City or Blountville Station during heavy loading conditions would result in an overload of the remaining substation. This overload scenario is worsened if the loss of either station should occur during a time when South Holston Hydro Plant generation is not available. Additionally, the loss of the Bluff City Station during heavy loading conditions creates heavy load flows on the entire 69-kilovolt system which could result in depressed system voltages and loss of load on the system.
Because the Bluff City Station cannot be taken out of service for any period of time due to current system conditions, BTES and TVA have been unable to complete upgrades to the station required by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation.
The BTES service area has also been growing steadily for the last five years. BTES has received several inquiries from potential customers about locating at their industrial parks. BTES would not be able to accommodate these potential new customers with the current loading on their system. This project would increase power reliability and support growing load in the Bristol, Tennessee area.
BTES proposes to build a new station, South Bristol 161-kilovolt Station, with very high capacity. Based on the new station’s increased capacity and BTES’s plans to provide for long-range growth and system backup needs, TVA proposes to provide two separate sources of power and would build two transmission lines from the grid into the new South Bristol Station.
BTES will build the South Bristol 161-kilovolt Station between Weaver Pike and State Route 394 in Bristol, Tennessee. TVA would serve the new station by building two single-circuit 161-kilovolt transmission lines that would each terminate at the new South Bristol Station. One new line would begin at TVA’s Sullivan 500-kilovolt Station, and the other would begin at TVA’s Bluff City 161-kilovolt Station.
The lines would be built using steel, single- and double-pole structures centered on existing and new 100-foot-wide right of way. The Sullivan-South Bristol Transmission Line would be approximately 9.4 to 12.7 miles long, and the Bluff City-South Bristol Transmission Line would be about 3.4 to 5.4 miles long.
In order to use existing right of way to the extent practical, TVA would parallel existing TVA power lines and may parallel an existing BTES line. In these areas, some new right of way would be required to attain the 100-foot width needed for TVA’s new lines. Also, TVA may utilize the vacant side of an existing line which would require no new right of way.
Property owners near and along the alternative transmission line segments have been invited to a virtual open house by mail – including about 346 property owners representing about 524 parcels.
The virtual open house is available from January 14 through February 16, 2021, at
Property owners and members of the public are invited to submit comments and questions about this proposed transmission project through February 16, 2021.
The project is expected to be in service in spring 2024. Construction is scheduled to begin in summer 2023. (Dates are subject to change. During projects of this magnitude, unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)
Public Involvement
TVA held a virtual open house online from January 14 through February 16, 2021, to present the project. Within this 30-day comment period, property owners and members of the public were able to submit questions and comments online, in writing, or by telephone.
The map shows the area of the proposed transmission improvements. The map is also available below as a PDF file.
If you have questions or need help understanding the map, please contact TVA (see below).
Preferred route of proposed transmission line
Possible routes of transmission line
Project Schedule
(Dates are subject to change. During projects of this magnitude, unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)
Sullivan-South Bristol Transmission Line
Virtual open house begins | January 14, 2021 |
Comments accepted through | February 16, 2021 |
Determine preferred route for field surveys | Spring 2021 |
Realty appraisals begin | Late summer 2023 |
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin | Spring 2024 |
Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin | Early summer 2025 |
Construction is scheduled to begin | Late Summer 2025 |
Project in service | Winter 2025-2026 |
Sullivan-South Bristol Transmission Line
Realty appraisals begin | Late summer 2023 |
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin | Winter 2024-2025 |
Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin | Early Winter 2025-2026 |
Construction is scheduled to begin | Late Winter 2025-2026 |
Project in service | Spring 2026 |
Environmental Reviews
The appropriate National Environmental Policy Act review will be conducted to ensure that the environmental impacts are minimized. TVA attempts to minimize any land requirements, private property impacts, and environmental impacts associated with this project.
Efforts are made during the siting process to avoid or minimize impacts to floodplains and wetlands in accordance with Executive Orders 11988 and 11990. Floodplains and wetlands are shown on the referenced map. The map illustrates how the route avoids or impacts floodplains and wetlands. Because of project and topographic constraints and because of minimizing impacts to other social, environmental, and engineering resources, no practicable alternative may be available that would allow complete avoidance of impacts to floodplains and wetlands which may require mitigation for minimizing impacts. Also, best management practices would be utilized throughout the project to minimize adverse floodplain and wetland impacts. In compliance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, TVA will be coordinating wetland findings with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
More information on this project can be obtained from:
Todd Liskey
[email protected]
1101 Market Street, MR 4G
Bristol, Tennessee (South Bristol)
Update – August 2023
The schedule for this project has been adjusted as follows. (Dates are subject to change. Unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)
Sullivan-South Bristol Transmission Line
- Realty appraisals begin - Late summer 2023
- Easement purchase begins - Spring 2024
- Right of way clearing begins - Early summer 2025
- Construction begins - Late summer 2025
- Project in service - Winter 2025-2026
Bluff City-South Bristol Transmission Line
- Realty appraisals begin - Late summer 2023
- Easement purchase begins - Winter 2024-2025
- Right of way clearing begins - Early winter 2025-2026
- Construction begins - Late winter 2025-2026
- Project in service - Spring 2026
Background 2
TVA has identified the preferred locations for transmission improvements that would provide power for growing load and increase power reliability in the Bristol, Tennessee area.
TVA evaluated each route using social, engineering, and environmental factors. Information sources included available data, aerial photography, limited onsite reviews, public review and comment, and property owner input. Based on public input and evaluation, the preferred routes are expected to have the least overall project impacts of the alternatives.
The new Sullivan-South Bristol line will be 10.8 miles long. It will begin at TVA’s Sullivan 500-kV Station and end at the new South Bristol 161-kV Station.
The new Bluff City-South Bristol line will be 3.4 miles long. It will begin at TVA’s Bluff City 161-kV Station and end at the new South Bristol 161-kV Station
The preferred locations for the new lines were selected from several options presented at a virtual open house from January 14 through February 16, 2021. Based on public input and evaluation, the preferred routes are expected to have the least overall project impacts of the alternatives.
The new lines will be built using primarily steel, single- and double-pole structures centered on a combination of existing and new 100-foot-wide right of way.
Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin in winter-spring 2022.
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin in fall 2022.
Construction is scheduled to begin in summer 2023.
The lines are scheduled to be in service in spring 2024.
Background 1
Proposed Transmission Project
TVA is considering improvements to its transmission system that would provide power for growing load and increase power reliability in the Bristol, Tennessee area.
Bristol Tennessee Essential Services (BTES) provides power to their service area from the Bluff City and Blountville 161-kilovolt Stations which they own jointly with TVA. These stations, along with TVA’s South Holston Hydro Plant, feed into BTES’s extensive 69-kilovolt system which is near capacity.
The Blountville Station is projected to exceed its guaranteed available (i.e., “firm”) capacity by winter 2021 based on forecasted system loading. The Bluff City Station is heavily loaded and could also overload in extreme conditions if power from the South Holston Hydro Plant is not available. Currently, the complete loss of either the Bluff City or Blountville Station during heavy loading conditions would result in an overload of the remaining substation. This overload scenario is worsened if the loss of either station should occur during a time when South Holston Hydro Plant generation is not available. Additionally, the loss of the Bluff City Station during heavy loading conditions creates heavy load flows on the entire 69-kilovolt system which could result in depressed system voltages and loss of load on the system.
Because the Bluff City Station cannot be taken out of service for any period of time due to current system conditions, BTES and TVA have been unable to complete upgrades to the station required by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation.
The BTES service area has also been growing steadily for the last five years. BTES has received several inquiries from potential customers about locating at their industrial parks. BTES would not be able to accommodate these potential new customers with the current loading on their system. This project would increase power reliability and support growing load in the Bristol, Tennessee area.
BTES proposes to build a new station, South Bristol 161-kilovolt Station, with very high capacity. Based on the new station’s increased capacity and BTES’s plans to provide for long-range growth and system backup needs, TVA proposes to provide two separate sources of power and would build two transmission lines from the grid into the new South Bristol Station.
BTES will build the South Bristol 161-kilovolt Station between Weaver Pike and State Route 394 in Bristol, Tennessee. TVA would serve the new station by building two single-circuit 161-kilovolt transmission lines that would each terminate at the new South Bristol Station. One new line would begin at TVA’s Sullivan 500-kilovolt Station, and the other would begin at TVA’s Bluff City 161-kilovolt Station.
The lines would be built using steel, single- and double-pole structures centered on existing and new 100-foot-wide right of way. The Sullivan-South Bristol Transmission Line would be approximately 9.4 to 12.7 miles long, and the Bluff City-South Bristol Transmission Line would be about 3.4 to 5.4 miles long.
In order to use existing right of way to the extent practical, TVA would parallel existing TVA power lines and may parallel an existing BTES line. In these areas, some new right of way would be required to attain the 100-foot width needed for TVA’s new lines. Also, TVA may utilize the vacant side of an existing line which would require no new right of way.
Property owners near and along the alternative transmission line segments have been invited to a virtual open house by mail – including about 346 property owners representing about 524 parcels.
The virtual open house is available from January 14 through February 16, 2021, at
Property owners and members of the public are invited to submit comments and questions about this proposed transmission project through February 16, 2021.
The project is expected to be in service in spring 2024. Construction is scheduled to begin in summer 2023. (Dates are subject to change. During projects of this magnitude, unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)
Public Involvement
TVA held a virtual open house online from January 14 through February 16, 2021, to present the project. Within this 30-day comment period, property owners and members of the public were able to submit questions and comments online, in writing, or by telephone.
The map shows the area of the proposed transmission improvements. The map is also available below as a PDF file.
If you have questions or need help understanding the map, please contact TVA (see below).
Preferred route of proposed transmission line
Possible routes of transmission line
Project Schedule
(Dates are subject to change. During projects of this magnitude, unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)
Sullivan-South Bristol Transmission Line
Virtual open house begins | January 14, 2021 |
Comments accepted through | February 16, 2021 |
Determine preferred route for field surveys | Spring 2021 |
Realty appraisals begin | Late summer 2023 |
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin | Spring 2024 |
Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin | Early summer 2025 |
Construction is scheduled to begin | Late Summer 2025 |
Project in service | Winter 2025-2026 |
Sullivan-South Bristol Transmission Line
Realty appraisals begin | Late summer 2023 |
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin | Winter 2024-2025 |
Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin | Early Winter 2025-2026 |
Construction is scheduled to begin | Late Winter 2025-2026 |
Project in service | Spring 2026 |
Environmental Reviews
The appropriate National Environmental Policy Act review will be conducted to ensure that the environmental impacts are minimized. TVA attempts to minimize any land requirements, private property impacts, and environmental impacts associated with this project.
Efforts are made during the siting process to avoid or minimize impacts to floodplains and wetlands in accordance with Executive Orders 11988 and 11990. Floodplains and wetlands are shown on the referenced map. The map illustrates how the route avoids or impacts floodplains and wetlands. Because of project and topographic constraints and because of minimizing impacts to other social, environmental, and engineering resources, no practicable alternative may be available that would allow complete avoidance of impacts to floodplains and wetlands which may require mitigation for minimizing impacts. Also, best management practices would be utilized throughout the project to minimize adverse floodplain and wetland impacts. In compliance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, TVA will be coordinating wetland findings with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
More information on this project can be obtained from:
Todd Liskey
[email protected]
1101 Market Street, MR 4G
Bristol, Tennessee (South Bristol)
Update – August 2023
The schedule for this project has been adjusted as follows. (Dates are subject to change. Unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)
Sullivan-South Bristol Transmission Line
- Realty appraisals begin - Late summer 2023
- Easement purchase begins - Spring 2024
- Right of way clearing begins - Early summer 2025
- Construction begins - Late summer 2025
- Project in service - Winter 2025-2026
Bluff City-South Bristol Transmission Line
- Realty appraisals begin - Late summer 2023
- Easement purchase begins - Winter 2024-2025
- Right of way clearing begins - Early winter 2025-2026
- Construction begins - Late winter 2025-2026
- Project in service - Spring 2026
Background 2
TVA has identified the preferred locations for transmission improvements that would provide power for growing load and increase power reliability in the Bristol, Tennessee area.
TVA evaluated each route using social, engineering, and environmental factors. Information sources included available data, aerial photography, limited onsite reviews, public review and comment, and property owner input. Based on public input and evaluation, the preferred routes are expected to have the least overall project impacts of the alternatives.
The new Sullivan-South Bristol line will be 10.8 miles long. It will begin at TVA’s Sullivan 500-kV Station and end at the new South Bristol 161-kV Station.
The new Bluff City-South Bristol line will be 3.4 miles long. It will begin at TVA’s Bluff City 161-kV Station and end at the new South Bristol 161-kV Station
The preferred locations for the new lines were selected from several options presented at a virtual open house from January 14 through February 16, 2021. Based on public input and evaluation, the preferred routes are expected to have the least overall project impacts of the alternatives.
The new lines will be built using primarily steel, single- and double-pole structures centered on a combination of existing and new 100-foot-wide right of way.
Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin in winter-spring 2022.
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin in fall 2022.
Construction is scheduled to begin in summer 2023.
The lines are scheduled to be in service in spring 2024.
Background 1
Proposed Transmission Project
TVA is considering improvements to its transmission system that would provide power for growing load and increase power reliability in the Bristol, Tennessee area.
Bristol Tennessee Essential Services (BTES) provides power to their service area from the Bluff City and Blountville 161-kilovolt Stations which they own jointly with TVA. These stations, along with TVA’s South Holston Hydro Plant, feed into BTES’s extensive 69-kilovolt system which is near capacity.
The Blountville Station is projected to exceed its guaranteed available (i.e., “firm”) capacity by winter 2021 based on forecasted system loading. The Bluff City Station is heavily loaded and could also overload in extreme conditions if power from the South Holston Hydro Plant is not available. Currently, the complete loss of either the Bluff City or Blountville Station during heavy loading conditions would result in an overload of the remaining substation. This overload scenario is worsened if the loss of either station should occur during a time when South Holston Hydro Plant generation is not available. Additionally, the loss of the Bluff City Station during heavy loading conditions creates heavy load flows on the entire 69-kilovolt system which could result in depressed system voltages and loss of load on the system.
Because the Bluff City Station cannot be taken out of service for any period of time due to current system conditions, BTES and TVA have been unable to complete upgrades to the station required by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation.
The BTES service area has also been growing steadily for the last five years. BTES has received several inquiries from potential customers about locating at their industrial parks. BTES would not be able to accommodate these potential new customers with the current loading on their system. This project would increase power reliability and support growing load in the Bristol, Tennessee area.
BTES proposes to build a new station, South Bristol 161-kilovolt Station, with very high capacity. Based on the new station’s increased capacity and BTES’s plans to provide for long-range growth and system backup needs, TVA proposes to provide two separate sources of power and would build two transmission lines from the grid into the new South Bristol Station.
BTES will build the South Bristol 161-kilovolt Station between Weaver Pike and State Route 394 in Bristol, Tennessee. TVA would serve the new station by building two single-circuit 161-kilovolt transmission lines that would each terminate at the new South Bristol Station. One new line would begin at TVA’s Sullivan 500-kilovolt Station, and the other would begin at TVA’s Bluff City 161-kilovolt Station.
The lines would be built using steel, single- and double-pole structures centered on existing and new 100-foot-wide right of way. The Sullivan-South Bristol Transmission Line would be approximately 9.4 to 12.7 miles long, and the Bluff City-South Bristol Transmission Line would be about 3.4 to 5.4 miles long.
In order to use existing right of way to the extent practical, TVA would parallel existing TVA power lines and may parallel an existing BTES line. In these areas, some new right of way would be required to attain the 100-foot width needed for TVA’s new lines. Also, TVA may utilize the vacant side of an existing line which would require no new right of way.
Property owners near and along the alternative transmission line segments have been invited to a virtual open house by mail – including about 346 property owners representing about 524 parcels.
The virtual open house is available from January 14 through February 16, 2021, at
Property owners and members of the public are invited to submit comments and questions about this proposed transmission project through February 16, 2021.
The project is expected to be in service in spring 2024. Construction is scheduled to begin in summer 2023. (Dates are subject to change. During projects of this magnitude, unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)
Public Involvement
TVA held a virtual open house online from January 14 through February 16, 2021, to present the project. Within this 30-day comment period, property owners and members of the public were able to submit questions and comments online, in writing, or by telephone.
The map shows the area of the proposed transmission improvements. The map is also available below as a PDF file.
If you have questions or need help understanding the map, please contact TVA (see below).
Preferred route of proposed transmission line
Possible routes of transmission line
Project Schedule
(Dates are subject to change. During projects of this magnitude, unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)
Sullivan-South Bristol Transmission Line
Virtual open house begins | January 14, 2021 |
Comments accepted through | February 16, 2021 |
Determine preferred route for field surveys | Spring 2021 |
Realty appraisals begin | Late summer 2023 |
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin | Spring 2024 |
Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin | Early summer 2025 |
Construction is scheduled to begin | Late Summer 2025 |
Project in service | Winter 2025-2026 |
Sullivan-South Bristol Transmission Line
Realty appraisals begin | Late summer 2023 |
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin | Winter 2024-2025 |
Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin | Early Winter 2025-2026 |
Construction is scheduled to begin | Late Winter 2025-2026 |
Project in service | Spring 2026 |
Environmental Reviews
The appropriate National Environmental Policy Act review will be conducted to ensure that the environmental impacts are minimized. TVA attempts to minimize any land requirements, private property impacts, and environmental impacts associated with this project.
Efforts are made during the siting process to avoid or minimize impacts to floodplains and wetlands in accordance with Executive Orders 11988 and 11990. Floodplains and wetlands are shown on the referenced map. The map illustrates how the route avoids or impacts floodplains and wetlands. Because of project and topographic constraints and because of minimizing impacts to other social, environmental, and engineering resources, no practicable alternative may be available that would allow complete avoidance of impacts to floodplains and wetlands which may require mitigation for minimizing impacts. Also, best management practices would be utilized throughout the project to minimize adverse floodplain and wetland impacts. In compliance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, TVA will be coordinating wetland findings with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
More information on this project can be obtained from:
Todd Liskey
[email protected]
1101 Market Street, MR 4G