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Current TVA Transmission System Projects


Tupelo, Mississippi (North Green Street)

Update – November 2021

TVA has identified the preferred location for transmission improvements that would provide power for growing load and increase power reliability in the northeastern Tupelo area of Lee County in Mississippi.    

TVA evaluated each route using social, engineering, and environmental factors.  Information sources included available data, aerial photography, limited onsite reviews, public review and comment, and property owner input.  Based on public input and evaluation, the preferred route is expected to have the least overall project impacts of the alternatives.

TVA’s proposed half-mile-long line would begin at TVA’s existing Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kV Transmission Line and extend southwest to a new Tupelo Water and Light (TW&L) substation on the north side of North Green Street about a quarter of a mile southeast of the intersection of North Gloster Street (State Highway 145) and North Green Street.

The route selected as shown on map below was among those presented online during a public comment period July 1-30, 2021.    

The new line will be built using primarily double-pole, steel structures centered on new 100-foot-wide right of way.    

Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin in spring 2022.
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin in fall 2022.
Construction is scheduled to begin in spring 2023.
The line is scheduled to be in service in fall 2023.


TVA is considering improvements to its transmission system that would provide power for growing load and increase power reliability in the northeastern Tupelo area of Lee County in Mississippi.   

Tupelo Water & Light’s (TW&L’s) northeastern service area has current and projected electrical load increases in both residential and commercial growth. This area is served by the Tupelo Primary and Northwest Substations. This area also has reliability challenges regarding voltage drop and conductor loading. Current conductor sizes do not allow for capacity to serve the area in the event of the loss of a transformer in one of the two area substations. Also, this area has sustained a number of outages due to faults and maintenance. Due to the increase in electrical load and reliability issues in their northeastern service area, TW&L has requested a new 161-kilovolt delivery point.

TW&L would build a 161-kilovolt substation in the northeastern Tupelo area of Lee County on the north side of North Green Street about a quarter of a mile southeast of the intersection of North Gloster Street (State Highway 145) and North Green Street. 

TVA proposes to build from 0.5 to 0.85 miles of 161-kilovolt transmission line from our existing Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line to the new substation. The proposed line would be built using primarily steel, double-pole structures. This will be a loop configuration which means the line would be double-circuit with switches inside the substation property.

There are four loop point alternatives along TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line which are east or northeast of the proposed substation. All alternatives are in Lee County. 

  • Loop Point 1 is located at Structure 19 of TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line located on the south side of U.S. Highway 45.
  • Loop Point 2 is located between Structure 20A and 21 of TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line located on the north side of U.S. Highway 45.
  • Loop Point 3 is located at Structure 22 of TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line located between North Gloster Street (State Highway 145) and U.S. Highway 45.
  • Loop Point 4 is located at Structure 24 of TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line located just off the north side of North Gloster Street (State Highway 145).

There are 11 alternative line segments under consideration for the route of the new transmission line. 

The scheduled completion date for this project is fall 2023.

TVA is gathering information and accepting comments about the proposed transmission project through July 30, 2021. 

The project is expected to be in service in fall 2023. Construction is scheduled to begin in spring 2023. (Dates are subject to change. Unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)

double circuit transmission tower

Public Involvement

TVA held a public comment period online July 1-30, 2021, to present the project.  Property owners and members of the public were able to submit questions and comments online, in writing, or by telephone.


The map shows the area of the proposed transmission improvements. The map is also available below as a PDF file.

If you have questions or need help understanding the map, please contact TVA (see below).

Preferred Route

Possible routes of proposed transmission line – aerial view (PDF)

Possible routes of proposed transmission line (PDF)

Project Schedule

(Dates are subject to change. Unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)

Public Comment Period begins Thursday, July 1, 2021
Public Comment Period ends Friday, July 30, 2021
Determine preferred route for field surveys Fall 2021
Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin Spring 2022
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin Fall 2022
Construction is scheduled to begin Spring 2023
Project in service Fall 2023

Environmental Reviews

The appropriate National Environmental Policy Act review will be conducted to ensure that the environmental impacts are minimized. TVA attempts to minimize any land requirements, private property impacts, and environmental impacts associated with this project.

Efforts are made during the siting process to avoid or minimize impacts to floodplains and wetlands in accordance with Executive Orders 11988 and 11990. Floodplains and wetlands are shown on the referenced map. The map illustrates how the route avoids or impacts floodplains and wetlands. Because of project and topographic constraints and because of minimizing impacts to other social, environmental, and engineering resources, no practicable alternative may be available that would allow complete avoidance of impacts to floodplains and wetlands which may require mitigation for minimizing impacts. Also, best management practices would be utilized throughout the project to minimize adverse floodplain and wetland impacts. In compliance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, TVA will be coordinating wetland findings with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.


More information on this project can be obtained from:

John Roberts
[email protected]
1101 Market Street, MR 4G
Chattanooga, TN 37402


Tupelo, Mississippi (North Green Street)

Update – November 2021

TVA has identified the preferred location for transmission improvements that would provide power for growing load and increase power reliability in the northeastern Tupelo area of Lee County in Mississippi.    

TVA evaluated each route using social, engineering, and environmental factors.  Information sources included available data, aerial photography, limited onsite reviews, public review and comment, and property owner input.  Based on public input and evaluation, the preferred route is expected to have the least overall project impacts of the alternatives.

TVA’s proposed half-mile-long line would begin at TVA’s existing Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kV Transmission Line and extend southwest to a new Tupelo Water and Light (TW&L) substation on the north side of North Green Street about a quarter of a mile southeast of the intersection of North Gloster Street (State Highway 145) and North Green Street.

The route selected as shown on map below was among those presented online during a public comment period July 1-30, 2021.    

The new line will be built using primarily double-pole, steel structures centered on new 100-foot-wide right of way.    

Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin in spring 2022.
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin in fall 2022.
Construction is scheduled to begin in spring 2023.
The line is scheduled to be in service in fall 2023.


TVA is considering improvements to its transmission system that would provide power for growing load and increase power reliability in the northeastern Tupelo area of Lee County in Mississippi.   

Tupelo Water & Light’s (TW&L’s) northeastern service area has current and projected electrical load increases in both residential and commercial growth. This area is served by the Tupelo Primary and Northwest Substations. This area also has reliability challenges regarding voltage drop and conductor loading. Current conductor sizes do not allow for capacity to serve the area in the event of the loss of a transformer in one of the two area substations. Also, this area has sustained a number of outages due to faults and maintenance. Due to the increase in electrical load and reliability issues in their northeastern service area, TW&L has requested a new 161-kilovolt delivery point.

TW&L would build a 161-kilovolt substation in the northeastern Tupelo area of Lee County on the north side of North Green Street about a quarter of a mile southeast of the intersection of North Gloster Street (State Highway 145) and North Green Street. 

TVA proposes to build from 0.5 to 0.85 miles of 161-kilovolt transmission line from our existing Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line to the new substation. The proposed line would be built using primarily steel, double-pole structures. This will be a loop configuration which means the line would be double-circuit with switches inside the substation property.

There are four loop point alternatives along TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line which are east or northeast of the proposed substation. All alternatives are in Lee County. 

  • Loop Point 1 is located at Structure 19 of TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line located on the south side of U.S. Highway 45.
  • Loop Point 2 is located between Structure 20A and 21 of TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line located on the north side of U.S. Highway 45.
  • Loop Point 3 is located at Structure 22 of TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line located between North Gloster Street (State Highway 145) and U.S. Highway 45.
  • Loop Point 4 is located at Structure 24 of TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line located just off the north side of North Gloster Street (State Highway 145).

There are 11 alternative line segments under consideration for the route of the new transmission line. 

The scheduled completion date for this project is fall 2023.

TVA is gathering information and accepting comments about the proposed transmission project through July 30, 2021. 

The project is expected to be in service in fall 2023. Construction is scheduled to begin in spring 2023. (Dates are subject to change. Unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)

double circuit transmission tower

Public Involvement

TVA held a public comment period online July 1-30, 2021, to present the project.  Property owners and members of the public were able to submit questions and comments online, in writing, or by telephone.


The map shows the area of the proposed transmission improvements. The map is also available below as a PDF file.

If you have questions or need help understanding the map, please contact TVA (see below).

Preferred Route

Possible routes of proposed transmission line – aerial view (PDF)

Possible routes of proposed transmission line (PDF)

Project Schedule

(Dates are subject to change. Unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)

Public Comment Period begins Thursday, July 1, 2021
Public Comment Period ends Friday, July 30, 2021
Determine preferred route for field surveys Fall 2021
Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin Spring 2022
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin Fall 2022
Construction is scheduled to begin Spring 2023
Project in service Fall 2023

Environmental Reviews

The appropriate National Environmental Policy Act review will be conducted to ensure that the environmental impacts are minimized. TVA attempts to minimize any land requirements, private property impacts, and environmental impacts associated with this project.

Efforts are made during the siting process to avoid or minimize impacts to floodplains and wetlands in accordance with Executive Orders 11988 and 11990. Floodplains and wetlands are shown on the referenced map. The map illustrates how the route avoids or impacts floodplains and wetlands. Because of project and topographic constraints and because of minimizing impacts to other social, environmental, and engineering resources, no practicable alternative may be available that would allow complete avoidance of impacts to floodplains and wetlands which may require mitigation for minimizing impacts. Also, best management practices would be utilized throughout the project to minimize adverse floodplain and wetland impacts. In compliance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, TVA will be coordinating wetland findings with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.


More information on this project can be obtained from:

John Roberts
[email protected]
1101 Market Street, MR 4G
Chattanooga, TN 37402


Tupelo, Mississippi (North Green Street)

Update – November 2021

TVA has identified the preferred location for transmission improvements that would provide power for growing load and increase power reliability in the northeastern Tupelo area of Lee County in Mississippi.    

TVA evaluated each route using social, engineering, and environmental factors.  Information sources included available data, aerial photography, limited onsite reviews, public review and comment, and property owner input.  Based on public input and evaluation, the preferred route is expected to have the least overall project impacts of the alternatives.

TVA’s proposed half-mile-long line would begin at TVA’s existing Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kV Transmission Line and extend southwest to a new Tupelo Water and Light (TW&L) substation on the north side of North Green Street about a quarter of a mile southeast of the intersection of North Gloster Street (State Highway 145) and North Green Street.

The route selected as shown on map below was among those presented online during a public comment period July 1-30, 2021.    

The new line will be built using primarily double-pole, steel structures centered on new 100-foot-wide right of way.    

Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin in spring 2022.
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin in fall 2022.
Construction is scheduled to begin in spring 2023.
The line is scheduled to be in service in fall 2023.


TVA is considering improvements to its transmission system that would provide power for growing load and increase power reliability in the northeastern Tupelo area of Lee County in Mississippi.   

Tupelo Water & Light’s (TW&L’s) northeastern service area has current and projected electrical load increases in both residential and commercial growth. This area is served by the Tupelo Primary and Northwest Substations. This area also has reliability challenges regarding voltage drop and conductor loading. Current conductor sizes do not allow for capacity to serve the area in the event of the loss of a transformer in one of the two area substations. Also, this area has sustained a number of outages due to faults and maintenance. Due to the increase in electrical load and reliability issues in their northeastern service area, TW&L has requested a new 161-kilovolt delivery point.

TW&L would build a 161-kilovolt substation in the northeastern Tupelo area of Lee County on the north side of North Green Street about a quarter of a mile southeast of the intersection of North Gloster Street (State Highway 145) and North Green Street. 

TVA proposes to build from 0.5 to 0.85 miles of 161-kilovolt transmission line from our existing Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line to the new substation. The proposed line would be built using primarily steel, double-pole structures. This will be a loop configuration which means the line would be double-circuit with switches inside the substation property.

There are four loop point alternatives along TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line which are east or northeast of the proposed substation. All alternatives are in Lee County. 

  • Loop Point 1 is located at Structure 19 of TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line located on the south side of U.S. Highway 45.
  • Loop Point 2 is located between Structure 20A and 21 of TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line located on the north side of U.S. Highway 45.
  • Loop Point 3 is located at Structure 22 of TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line located between North Gloster Street (State Highway 145) and U.S. Highway 45.
  • Loop Point 4 is located at Structure 24 of TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line located just off the north side of North Gloster Street (State Highway 145).

There are 11 alternative line segments under consideration for the route of the new transmission line. 

The scheduled completion date for this project is fall 2023.

TVA is gathering information and accepting comments about the proposed transmission project through July 30, 2021. 

The project is expected to be in service in fall 2023. Construction is scheduled to begin in spring 2023. (Dates are subject to change. Unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)

double circuit transmission tower

Public Involvement

TVA held a public comment period online July 1-30, 2021, to present the project.  Property owners and members of the public were able to submit questions and comments online, in writing, or by telephone.


The map shows the area of the proposed transmission improvements. The map is also available below as a PDF file.

If you have questions or need help understanding the map, please contact TVA (see below).

Preferred Route

Possible routes of proposed transmission line – aerial view (PDF)

Possible routes of proposed transmission line (PDF)

Project Schedule

(Dates are subject to change. Unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)

Public Comment Period begins Thursday, July 1, 2021
Public Comment Period ends Friday, July 30, 2021
Determine preferred route for field surveys Fall 2021
Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin Spring 2022
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin Fall 2022
Construction is scheduled to begin Spring 2023
Project in service Fall 2023

Environmental Reviews

The appropriate National Environmental Policy Act review will be conducted to ensure that the environmental impacts are minimized. TVA attempts to minimize any land requirements, private property impacts, and environmental impacts associated with this project.

Efforts are made during the siting process to avoid or minimize impacts to floodplains and wetlands in accordance with Executive Orders 11988 and 11990. Floodplains and wetlands are shown on the referenced map. The map illustrates how the route avoids or impacts floodplains and wetlands. Because of project and topographic constraints and because of minimizing impacts to other social, environmental, and engineering resources, no practicable alternative may be available that would allow complete avoidance of impacts to floodplains and wetlands which may require mitigation for minimizing impacts. Also, best management practices would be utilized throughout the project to minimize adverse floodplain and wetland impacts. In compliance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, TVA will be coordinating wetland findings with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.


More information on this project can be obtained from:

John Roberts
[email protected]
1101 Market Street, MR 4G
Chattanooga, TN 37402


Tupelo, Mississippi (North Green Street)

Update – November 2021

TVA has identified the preferred location for transmission improvements that would provide power for growing load and increase power reliability in the northeastern Tupelo area of Lee County in Mississippi.    

TVA evaluated each route using social, engineering, and environmental factors.  Information sources included available data, aerial photography, limited onsite reviews, public review and comment, and property owner input.  Based on public input and evaluation, the preferred route is expected to have the least overall project impacts of the alternatives.

TVA’s proposed half-mile-long line would begin at TVA’s existing Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kV Transmission Line and extend southwest to a new Tupelo Water and Light (TW&L) substation on the north side of North Green Street about a quarter of a mile southeast of the intersection of North Gloster Street (State Highway 145) and North Green Street.

The route selected as shown on map below was among those presented online during a public comment period July 1-30, 2021.    

The new line will be built using primarily double-pole, steel structures centered on new 100-foot-wide right of way.    

Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin in spring 2022.
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin in fall 2022.
Construction is scheduled to begin in spring 2023.
The line is scheduled to be in service in fall 2023.


TVA is considering improvements to its transmission system that would provide power for growing load and increase power reliability in the northeastern Tupelo area of Lee County in Mississippi.   

Tupelo Water & Light’s (TW&L’s) northeastern service area has current and projected electrical load increases in both residential and commercial growth. This area is served by the Tupelo Primary and Northwest Substations. This area also has reliability challenges regarding voltage drop and conductor loading. Current conductor sizes do not allow for capacity to serve the area in the event of the loss of a transformer in one of the two area substations. Also, this area has sustained a number of outages due to faults and maintenance. Due to the increase in electrical load and reliability issues in their northeastern service area, TW&L has requested a new 161-kilovolt delivery point.

TW&L would build a 161-kilovolt substation in the northeastern Tupelo area of Lee County on the north side of North Green Street about a quarter of a mile southeast of the intersection of North Gloster Street (State Highway 145) and North Green Street. 

TVA proposes to build from 0.5 to 0.85 miles of 161-kilovolt transmission line from our existing Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line to the new substation. The proposed line would be built using primarily steel, double-pole structures. This will be a loop configuration which means the line would be double-circuit with switches inside the substation property.

There are four loop point alternatives along TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line which are east or northeast of the proposed substation. All alternatives are in Lee County. 

  • Loop Point 1 is located at Structure 19 of TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line located on the south side of U.S. Highway 45.
  • Loop Point 2 is located between Structure 20A and 21 of TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line located on the north side of U.S. Highway 45.
  • Loop Point 3 is located at Structure 22 of TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line located between North Gloster Street (State Highway 145) and U.S. Highway 45.
  • Loop Point 4 is located at Structure 24 of TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line located just off the north side of North Gloster Street (State Highway 145).

There are 11 alternative line segments under consideration for the route of the new transmission line. 

The scheduled completion date for this project is fall 2023.

TVA is gathering information and accepting comments about the proposed transmission project through July 30, 2021. 

The project is expected to be in service in fall 2023. Construction is scheduled to begin in spring 2023. (Dates are subject to change. Unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)

double circuit transmission tower

Public Involvement

TVA held a public comment period online July 1-30, 2021, to present the project.  Property owners and members of the public were able to submit questions and comments online, in writing, or by telephone.


The map shows the area of the proposed transmission improvements. The map is also available below as a PDF file.

If you have questions or need help understanding the map, please contact TVA (see below).

Preferred Route

Possible routes of proposed transmission line – aerial view (PDF)

Possible routes of proposed transmission line (PDF)

Project Schedule

(Dates are subject to change. Unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)

Public Comment Period begins Thursday, July 1, 2021
Public Comment Period ends Friday, July 30, 2021
Determine preferred route for field surveys Fall 2021
Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin Spring 2022
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin Fall 2022
Construction is scheduled to begin Spring 2023
Project in service Fall 2023

Environmental Reviews

The appropriate National Environmental Policy Act review will be conducted to ensure that the environmental impacts are minimized. TVA attempts to minimize any land requirements, private property impacts, and environmental impacts associated with this project.

Efforts are made during the siting process to avoid or minimize impacts to floodplains and wetlands in accordance with Executive Orders 11988 and 11990. Floodplains and wetlands are shown on the referenced map. The map illustrates how the route avoids or impacts floodplains and wetlands. Because of project and topographic constraints and because of minimizing impacts to other social, environmental, and engineering resources, no practicable alternative may be available that would allow complete avoidance of impacts to floodplains and wetlands which may require mitigation for minimizing impacts. Also, best management practices would be utilized throughout the project to minimize adverse floodplain and wetland impacts. In compliance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, TVA will be coordinating wetland findings with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.


More information on this project can be obtained from:

John Roberts
[email protected]
1101 Market Street, MR 4G
Chattanooga, TN 37402

North Carolina

Tupelo, Mississippi (North Green Street)

Update – November 2021

TVA has identified the preferred location for transmission improvements that would provide power for growing load and increase power reliability in the northeastern Tupelo area of Lee County in Mississippi.    

TVA evaluated each route using social, engineering, and environmental factors.  Information sources included available data, aerial photography, limited onsite reviews, public review and comment, and property owner input.  Based on public input and evaluation, the preferred route is expected to have the least overall project impacts of the alternatives.

TVA’s proposed half-mile-long line would begin at TVA’s existing Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kV Transmission Line and extend southwest to a new Tupelo Water and Light (TW&L) substation on the north side of North Green Street about a quarter of a mile southeast of the intersection of North Gloster Street (State Highway 145) and North Green Street.

The route selected as shown on map below was among those presented online during a public comment period July 1-30, 2021.    

The new line will be built using primarily double-pole, steel structures centered on new 100-foot-wide right of way.    

Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin in spring 2022.
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin in fall 2022.
Construction is scheduled to begin in spring 2023.
The line is scheduled to be in service in fall 2023.


TVA is considering improvements to its transmission system that would provide power for growing load and increase power reliability in the northeastern Tupelo area of Lee County in Mississippi.   

Tupelo Water & Light’s (TW&L’s) northeastern service area has current and projected electrical load increases in both residential and commercial growth. This area is served by the Tupelo Primary and Northwest Substations. This area also has reliability challenges regarding voltage drop and conductor loading. Current conductor sizes do not allow for capacity to serve the area in the event of the loss of a transformer in one of the two area substations. Also, this area has sustained a number of outages due to faults and maintenance. Due to the increase in electrical load and reliability issues in their northeastern service area, TW&L has requested a new 161-kilovolt delivery point.

TW&L would build a 161-kilovolt substation in the northeastern Tupelo area of Lee County on the north side of North Green Street about a quarter of a mile southeast of the intersection of North Gloster Street (State Highway 145) and North Green Street. 

TVA proposes to build from 0.5 to 0.85 miles of 161-kilovolt transmission line from our existing Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line to the new substation. The proposed line would be built using primarily steel, double-pole structures. This will be a loop configuration which means the line would be double-circuit with switches inside the substation property.

There are four loop point alternatives along TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line which are east or northeast of the proposed substation. All alternatives are in Lee County. 

  • Loop Point 1 is located at Structure 19 of TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line located on the south side of U.S. Highway 45.
  • Loop Point 2 is located between Structure 20A and 21 of TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line located on the north side of U.S. Highway 45.
  • Loop Point 3 is located at Structure 22 of TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line located between North Gloster Street (State Highway 145) and U.S. Highway 45.
  • Loop Point 4 is located at Structure 24 of TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line located just off the north side of North Gloster Street (State Highway 145).

There are 11 alternative line segments under consideration for the route of the new transmission line. 

The scheduled completion date for this project is fall 2023.

TVA is gathering information and accepting comments about the proposed transmission project through July 30, 2021. 

The project is expected to be in service in fall 2023. Construction is scheduled to begin in spring 2023. (Dates are subject to change. Unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)

double circuit transmission tower

Public Involvement

TVA held a public comment period online July 1-30, 2021, to present the project.  Property owners and members of the public were able to submit questions and comments online, in writing, or by telephone.


The map shows the area of the proposed transmission improvements. The map is also available below as a PDF file.

If you have questions or need help understanding the map, please contact TVA (see below).

Preferred Route

Possible routes of proposed transmission line – aerial view (PDF)

Possible routes of proposed transmission line (PDF)

Project Schedule

(Dates are subject to change. Unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)

Public Comment Period begins Thursday, July 1, 2021
Public Comment Period ends Friday, July 30, 2021
Determine preferred route for field surveys Fall 2021
Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin Spring 2022
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin Fall 2022
Construction is scheduled to begin Spring 2023
Project in service Fall 2023

Environmental Reviews

The appropriate National Environmental Policy Act review will be conducted to ensure that the environmental impacts are minimized. TVA attempts to minimize any land requirements, private property impacts, and environmental impacts associated with this project.

Efforts are made during the siting process to avoid or minimize impacts to floodplains and wetlands in accordance with Executive Orders 11988 and 11990. Floodplains and wetlands are shown on the referenced map. The map illustrates how the route avoids or impacts floodplains and wetlands. Because of project and topographic constraints and because of minimizing impacts to other social, environmental, and engineering resources, no practicable alternative may be available that would allow complete avoidance of impacts to floodplains and wetlands which may require mitigation for minimizing impacts. Also, best management practices would be utilized throughout the project to minimize adverse floodplain and wetland impacts. In compliance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, TVA will be coordinating wetland findings with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.


More information on this project can be obtained from:

John Roberts
[email protected]
1101 Market Street, MR 4G
Chattanooga, TN 37402


Tupelo, Mississippi (North Green Street)

Update – November 2021

TVA has identified the preferred location for transmission improvements that would provide power for growing load and increase power reliability in the northeastern Tupelo area of Lee County in Mississippi.    

TVA evaluated each route using social, engineering, and environmental factors.  Information sources included available data, aerial photography, limited onsite reviews, public review and comment, and property owner input.  Based on public input and evaluation, the preferred route is expected to have the least overall project impacts of the alternatives.

TVA’s proposed half-mile-long line would begin at TVA’s existing Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kV Transmission Line and extend southwest to a new Tupelo Water and Light (TW&L) substation on the north side of North Green Street about a quarter of a mile southeast of the intersection of North Gloster Street (State Highway 145) and North Green Street.

The route selected as shown on map below was among those presented online during a public comment period July 1-30, 2021.    

The new line will be built using primarily double-pole, steel structures centered on new 100-foot-wide right of way.    

Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin in spring 2022.
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin in fall 2022.
Construction is scheduled to begin in spring 2023.
The line is scheduled to be in service in fall 2023.


TVA is considering improvements to its transmission system that would provide power for growing load and increase power reliability in the northeastern Tupelo area of Lee County in Mississippi.   

Tupelo Water & Light’s (TW&L’s) northeastern service area has current and projected electrical load increases in both residential and commercial growth. This area is served by the Tupelo Primary and Northwest Substations. This area also has reliability challenges regarding voltage drop and conductor loading. Current conductor sizes do not allow for capacity to serve the area in the event of the loss of a transformer in one of the two area substations. Also, this area has sustained a number of outages due to faults and maintenance. Due to the increase in electrical load and reliability issues in their northeastern service area, TW&L has requested a new 161-kilovolt delivery point.

TW&L would build a 161-kilovolt substation in the northeastern Tupelo area of Lee County on the north side of North Green Street about a quarter of a mile southeast of the intersection of North Gloster Street (State Highway 145) and North Green Street. 

TVA proposes to build from 0.5 to 0.85 miles of 161-kilovolt transmission line from our existing Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line to the new substation. The proposed line would be built using primarily steel, double-pole structures. This will be a loop configuration which means the line would be double-circuit with switches inside the substation property.

There are four loop point alternatives along TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line which are east or northeast of the proposed substation. All alternatives are in Lee County. 

  • Loop Point 1 is located at Structure 19 of TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line located on the south side of U.S. Highway 45.
  • Loop Point 2 is located between Structure 20A and 21 of TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line located on the north side of U.S. Highway 45.
  • Loop Point 3 is located at Structure 22 of TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line located between North Gloster Street (State Highway 145) and U.S. Highway 45.
  • Loop Point 4 is located at Structure 24 of TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line located just off the north side of North Gloster Street (State Highway 145).

There are 11 alternative line segments under consideration for the route of the new transmission line. 

The scheduled completion date for this project is fall 2023.

TVA is gathering information and accepting comments about the proposed transmission project through July 30, 2021. 

The project is expected to be in service in fall 2023. Construction is scheduled to begin in spring 2023. (Dates are subject to change. Unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)

double circuit transmission tower

Public Involvement

TVA held a public comment period online July 1-30, 2021, to present the project.  Property owners and members of the public were able to submit questions and comments online, in writing, or by telephone.


The map shows the area of the proposed transmission improvements. The map is also available below as a PDF file.

If you have questions or need help understanding the map, please contact TVA (see below).

Preferred Route

Possible routes of proposed transmission line – aerial view (PDF)

Possible routes of proposed transmission line (PDF)

Project Schedule

(Dates are subject to change. Unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)

Public Comment Period begins Thursday, July 1, 2021
Public Comment Period ends Friday, July 30, 2021
Determine preferred route for field surveys Fall 2021
Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin Spring 2022
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin Fall 2022
Construction is scheduled to begin Spring 2023
Project in service Fall 2023

Environmental Reviews

The appropriate National Environmental Policy Act review will be conducted to ensure that the environmental impacts are minimized. TVA attempts to minimize any land requirements, private property impacts, and environmental impacts associated with this project.

Efforts are made during the siting process to avoid or minimize impacts to floodplains and wetlands in accordance with Executive Orders 11988 and 11990. Floodplains and wetlands are shown on the referenced map. The map illustrates how the route avoids or impacts floodplains and wetlands. Because of project and topographic constraints and because of minimizing impacts to other social, environmental, and engineering resources, no practicable alternative may be available that would allow complete avoidance of impacts to floodplains and wetlands which may require mitigation for minimizing impacts. Also, best management practices would be utilized throughout the project to minimize adverse floodplain and wetland impacts. In compliance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, TVA will be coordinating wetland findings with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.


More information on this project can be obtained from:

John Roberts
[email protected]
1101 Market Street, MR 4G
Chattanooga, TN 37402


Tupelo, Mississippi (North Green Street)

Update – November 2021

TVA has identified the preferred location for transmission improvements that would provide power for growing load and increase power reliability in the northeastern Tupelo area of Lee County in Mississippi.    

TVA evaluated each route using social, engineering, and environmental factors.  Information sources included available data, aerial photography, limited onsite reviews, public review and comment, and property owner input.  Based on public input and evaluation, the preferred route is expected to have the least overall project impacts of the alternatives.

TVA’s proposed half-mile-long line would begin at TVA’s existing Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kV Transmission Line and extend southwest to a new Tupelo Water and Light (TW&L) substation on the north side of North Green Street about a quarter of a mile southeast of the intersection of North Gloster Street (State Highway 145) and North Green Street.

The route selected as shown on map below was among those presented online during a public comment period July 1-30, 2021.    

The new line will be built using primarily double-pole, steel structures centered on new 100-foot-wide right of way.    

Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin in spring 2022.
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin in fall 2022.
Construction is scheduled to begin in spring 2023.
The line is scheduled to be in service in fall 2023.


TVA is considering improvements to its transmission system that would provide power for growing load and increase power reliability in the northeastern Tupelo area of Lee County in Mississippi.   

Tupelo Water & Light’s (TW&L’s) northeastern service area has current and projected electrical load increases in both residential and commercial growth. This area is served by the Tupelo Primary and Northwest Substations. This area also has reliability challenges regarding voltage drop and conductor loading. Current conductor sizes do not allow for capacity to serve the area in the event of the loss of a transformer in one of the two area substations. Also, this area has sustained a number of outages due to faults and maintenance. Due to the increase in electrical load and reliability issues in their northeastern service area, TW&L has requested a new 161-kilovolt delivery point.

TW&L would build a 161-kilovolt substation in the northeastern Tupelo area of Lee County on the north side of North Green Street about a quarter of a mile southeast of the intersection of North Gloster Street (State Highway 145) and North Green Street. 

TVA proposes to build from 0.5 to 0.85 miles of 161-kilovolt transmission line from our existing Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line to the new substation. The proposed line would be built using primarily steel, double-pole structures. This will be a loop configuration which means the line would be double-circuit with switches inside the substation property.

There are four loop point alternatives along TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line which are east or northeast of the proposed substation. All alternatives are in Lee County. 

  • Loop Point 1 is located at Structure 19 of TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line located on the south side of U.S. Highway 45.
  • Loop Point 2 is located between Structure 20A and 21 of TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line located on the north side of U.S. Highway 45.
  • Loop Point 3 is located at Structure 22 of TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line located between North Gloster Street (State Highway 145) and U.S. Highway 45.
  • Loop Point 4 is located at Structure 24 of TVA’s Tupelo-Structure 119 161-kilovolt Transmission Line located just off the north side of North Gloster Street (State Highway 145).

There are 11 alternative line segments under consideration for the route of the new transmission line. 

The scheduled completion date for this project is fall 2023.

TVA is gathering information and accepting comments about the proposed transmission project through July 30, 2021. 

The project is expected to be in service in fall 2023. Construction is scheduled to begin in spring 2023. (Dates are subject to change. Unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)

double circuit transmission tower

Public Involvement

TVA held a public comment period online July 1-30, 2021, to present the project.  Property owners and members of the public were able to submit questions and comments online, in writing, or by telephone.


The map shows the area of the proposed transmission improvements. The map is also available below as a PDF file.

If you have questions or need help understanding the map, please contact TVA (see below).

Preferred Route

Possible routes of proposed transmission line – aerial view (PDF)

Possible routes of proposed transmission line (PDF)

Project Schedule

(Dates are subject to change. Unexpected issues may arise, resulting in the need to adjust the schedule.)

Public Comment Period begins Thursday, July 1, 2021
Public Comment Period ends Friday, July 30, 2021
Determine preferred route for field surveys Fall 2021
Surveys of the right of way are scheduled to begin Spring 2022
Easement purchases are scheduled to begin Fall 2022
Construction is scheduled to begin Spring 2023
Project in service Fall 2023

Environmental Reviews

The appropriate National Environmental Policy Act review will be conducted to ensure that the environmental impacts are minimized. TVA attempts to minimize any land requirements, private property impacts, and environmental impacts associated with this project.

Efforts are made during the siting process to avoid or minimize impacts to floodplains and wetlands in accordance with Executive Orders 11988 and 11990. Floodplains and wetlands are shown on the referenced map. The map illustrates how the route avoids or impacts floodplains and wetlands. Because of project and topographic constraints and because of minimizing impacts to other social, environmental, and engineering resources, no practicable alternative may be available that would allow complete avoidance of impacts to floodplains and wetlands which may require mitigation for minimizing impacts. Also, best management practices would be utilized throughout the project to minimize adverse floodplain and wetland impacts. In compliance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, TVA will be coordinating wetland findings with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.


More information on this project can be obtained from:

John Roberts
[email protected]
1101 Market Street, MR 4G
Chattanooga, TN 37402