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Green-e® Energy Certification

Green Switch

Green Switch is a voluntary renewable energy program from Tennessee Valley Authority and participating local power companies.

green-e logoGreen Switch is Green-e® Energy certified, and meets the environmental and consumer protection standards set forth by the non-profit Center for Resource Solutions. Learn more at green-e.org.

2025 Prospective Product Content Label 1

The product is sold in blocks of 200 kilowatt-hours (kWh) or matches 100% of your electricity usage (available at select power companies). The product is made up of the following new renewable energy resources.

Green-e® Energy Certified New Renewables2 in Green Switch    

Generation Location

solar panel logo100% Solar

TN, AL, KY, GA, or MS

1 These figures reflect the electricity that we have contracted to provide. Actual figures may vary according to resource availability. We will annually report to you before August 1 of next year in the form of a Historical Product Content Label the actual resource mix of the electricity you purchased.

2 New Renewables come from generation facilities that first began commercial operation within the past 15 years.

For comparison, the current average mix of resources TVA has purchased or generated includes: Nuclear (39%), Natural gas and/or oil-fired (23%), Coal-fired (13%), Hydroelectric (8%), and Purchased Power (18%). [Source: TVA FY2024]

The average home in the Tennessee Valley uses 1200 kWh per month. [Source: TVA]

For specific information about this electricity product, please contact your Local Power Company or TVA’s Green Switch at [email protected], the toll-free Renewable Energy Information Call Center at 1-866-673-4340, or visit tva.com/greenswitch.

2023 Historical Product Content Label 1

Green Switch is a voluntary renewable energy program from Tennessee Valley Authority and participating local power companies. The product is sold in blocks of 200 kilowatt-hours (kWh) or matches 100% of your electricity usage (available at select power companies).

In 2023, the product was made up of the following new renewable energy resources.

Green-e® Energy Certified New Renewables2 in Green Switch    

Generation Location

solar panel logo100% Solar


1 These figures reflect the power delivered to customers participating in Green Switch in 2023.
2 New Renewables come from generation facilities that first began commercial operation within the past 15 years.

The average home in the Tennessee Valley uses 1200 kWh per month. [Source: TVA]

For specific information about this electricity product, please contact your Local Power Company or TVA’s Green Switch at [email protected], the toll-free Renewable Energy Information Call Center at 1-866-673-4340, or visit tva.com/greenswitch.

Price, Terms, and Conditions

Green Switch is Green-e® Energy certified, and meets the environmental and consumer-protection standards set forth by the nonprofit Center for Resource Solutions. Learn more at www.green-e.org. You may cancel or change your participation at any time. You may adjust your agreement to purchase Green Switch from TVA by calling the customer service number or writing to the billing address listed below.

Company:Tennessee Valley Authority
Whom should I contact for more information?Contact your local power company or TVA’s Green Switch staff at [email protected], or visit tvagreen.com. You may also write to Green Switch, 1101 Market Street, BR 5B-C, Chattanooga, TN 37402, or call 1-866-673-4340.
How will I be billed?A line item for participation in Green Switch will appear on your monthly power bill from your local power company.
How will my electricity bill be calculated?

Green Switch is sold to residential and commercial consumers in 200- kilowatt-hour blocks (about 16 percent of a typical consumer's monthly energy use). Each block adds $2 to the customer’s monthly power bill. Consumers may buy as many blocks as they wish.

Some local power companies offer Green Switch to match 100% of a consumer's electricity bill at a cost of 1 cent per kilowatt-hour of electricity used.

How much will the total electricity service, including utility charges, cost?

Each block of renewable energy purchased adds $2 to the consumer’s monthly power bill.

Customers matching 100% of their electricity usage will see an additional charge of 1 cent per kilowatt-hour added to their monthly power bill. As an example, a customer using 1,000 kilowatt-hours per month will pay an additional $10 on their bill (1 cent x 1,000 kWh = $10)

Will my electricity rates change over time?TVA may alter, amend or end Green Switch at any time. Participating consumers will be notified by mail one month in advance of any rate changes.
What sources will be used in my certified product?

Green Switch is expected to be made up of the following resources in 2024:

Solar100%TN, AL, KY, GA, or MS
If I want to terminate this agreement/contract, what is the early termination fee?There is no termination fee associated with this agreement. Participation is voluntary and month-to-month. This purchase and agreement may be terminated at any time.

Green Flex

Green Flex is a voluntary renewable energy program from the Tennessee Valley Authority and participating local power companies. The product is sold in megawatt-hours (MWh) with a minimum purchase of 2,000 MWh/ year. The product is made up of the following new renewable resources.

green-e logoGreen Flex is Green-e® Energy certified, and meets the environmental and consumer protection standards set forth by the non-profit Center for Resource Solutions. Learn more at green-e.org.

2025 Prospective Product Content Label 1

  Green-e® Energy Certified New Renewables2 in Green Flex Generation Location
 2025 (projected)12025 (projected)1
Wind100%IA, IL, or KS

1 These figures reflect the electricity that we have contracted to provide. Actual figures may vary according to resource availability. We will annually report to you before August 1 of next year in the form of a Historic Product Content Label the actual resource mix of the electricity you purchased.

2 New Renewables come from generation facilities that first began commercial operation within the past 15 years.

For comparison, the current average mix of resources TVA has purchased or generated includes: Nuclear (39%), Natural gas and/or oil-fired (23%), Coal-fired (13%), Hydroelectric (7%), and Purchased Power (18%). [Source: TVA FY2024]

The average home in the Tennessee Valley uses 1200 kWh per month. [Source: TVA]

For specific information about this electricity product, please contact your local power company or TVA at [email protected], the toll-free Renewable Energy Information Call Center at 1-866-673-4340, or visit  TVAgreen.com.

2023 Historic Product Content Label 1

  Green-e® Energy Certified New Renewables2 in Green Flex Generation Location

1 These figures reflect the electricity delivered to Green Flex customers in 2023

2 New Renewables come from generation facilities that first began commercial operation within the past 15 years.

For comparison, the current average mix of resources TVA has purchased or generated includes: Nuclear (39%), Natural gas and/or oil-fired (23%), Coal-fired (13%), Hydroelectric (7%), and Purchased Power (18%). [Source: TVA FY2024]

The average home in the Tennessee Valley uses 1200 kWh per month. [Source: TVA]

For specific information about this electricity product, please contact your local power company or TVA at [email protected], the toll-free Renewable Energy Information Call Center at 1-866-673-4340, or visit  TVAgreen.com.

Price, Terms, and Conditions

Green Flex is Green-e® Energy certified, and meets the environmental and consumer-protection standards set forth by the nonprofit Center for Resource Solutions. Learn more at www.green-e.org. You may cancel or change your participation at any time. You may adjust your agreement to purchase Green Flex from TVA by calling the customer service number or writing to the billing address listed below.

Company:Tennessee Valley Authority
Whom should I contact for more information?Contact your local power company or TVA’s Green Flex staff at [email protected], or visit tvagreen.com. You may also write to Green Flex, 1101 Market Street, BR 5B-C, Chattanooga, TN 37402, or call 1-866-673-4340.
How will I be billed?A line item for participation in Green Flex will appear on your monthly power bill from your local power company.
How will my electricity bill be calculated?


For each 1 MWh of Green Flex, you will be charged an additional $3.00. This purchase is in addition to charges by your electric utility. The cost of this product will be added to your electric bill unless you agree to a different payment arrangement.

How much will total electricity service cost, including utility charges?

Your bill will vary based on how much electricity you use and how much Green Flex you purchase. There is a minimum purchase of 2,000 MWh annually; therefore, a minimum purchase would represent an additional $6,000 per year.

Will my electricity rates change over time?TVA may alter, amend or end Green Flex at any time. Participating consumers will be notified by mail one month in advance of any rate changes.
What sources will be used in my certified product?

Green Flex is expected to be made up of the following resources in 2025:

Wind100%IA, IL, or KS
If I want to terminate this agreement/contract, what is the early termination fee?

You must commit to purchasing Green Flex for at least one year at a time. There are no termination fees.