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Request for Information

Renewable Energy Sources for contracted power supply to TVA.



This announcement constitutes an RFI notice soliciting expressions of interest in supplying delivered energy and/or capacity to the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). This is not a Request for Proposals (RFP) or solicitation for formal proposals, but the information developed through this RFI may be used in evaluating candidates to receive potential future RFPs. This RFI does not constitute a commitment, implied or otherwise, that TVA will take action in this matter. TVA will not be responsible for any costs incurred in furnishing TVA responsive information.

TVA is interested in understanding the current availabilities, flexibilities, and preferences of market participants interested in providing delivered energy and/or capacity to TVA from renewable energy generation sources. TVA is considering the availability of renewable energy sources for possible future Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs).

General Background:

  • TVA is a corporate agency of the United States that provides electricity for business customers and local power distributors, serving more than 9 million people in parts of seven southeastern states. TVA receives no taxpayer funding, deriving its revenues from sales of electricity. In addition to operating and investing its revenues in its electric system, TVA provides flood control, navigation, and land management for the Tennessee River system and assists local power companies and state and local governments with economic development and job creation.
  • Today, electricity in the Tennessee Valley is being generated at more than 2,600 renewable energy locations that include solar, wind, low-impact hydro, and biogas.
  • TVA’s renewable energy programs reflect the company’s ongoing commitment to a diversified energy mix that best serves the power needs of businesses and residents of the Tennessee Valley in a clean, efficient, and cost-effective manner.

Qualifications and Assumptions:

  • For purposes of this RFI, “renewable energy” means electrical power generated by solar, wind, biomass, or other commercially viable renewable energy technologies.
  • All expressions of interest should assume a potential future sell-all PPA arrangement with TVA, not a sale of the generating facility to TVA.
  • Expressions of interest should be from generating facilities within the TVA service territory, or delivered to the TVA service territory from outside.
  • Expressions of interest should be from facilities with an initial Commercial Operation Date (COD) no later than December 31, 2020.
  • Expressions of interest should include all capacity, energy, environmental attributes such as Renewable Energy Credits (RECs), and other generation-related services.
  • TVA is interested in considering PPA durations of 20 years and 25 years, and is open to considering suggestions for other durations. TVA is also interested in the availability of options to extend terms of a PPA beyond the initial PPA duration.
  • Interested parties should respond to this RFI no later than June 30, 2016.
  • The information received in response to this RFI is intended to better inform TVA’s planning and selection processes.

Specific Information of Interest:

  • Project renewable energy technology and equipment
  • Project site location for delivery within (or to) the TVA system
  • Expected COD for generation facilities responsive to this RFI
  • Market pricing for energy and capacity, and all generation-related services
  • Level of experience of market participants in developing and selling renewable energy
  • Risk management and hedging considerations, including dispatchability, curtailment rights, and other flexibility opportunities
  • Respondent’s affirmation of interest in selling renewable energy and/or capacity to TVA

Content of Submissions:

An electronic and hard copy should be provided to TVA at the addresses given below.
After reviewing responses TVA may request additional information, or may schedule individual meetings with any respondent to gain additional information about the expression of interest.

Submissions should include more than general marketing content; in particular:

  • A cover letter
  • Acknowledgment of each item listed above in Qualifications and Assumptions
  • Numbered responses to each item listed above in Specific Information of Interest
  • Respondent’s relevant history and capabilities
  • Outline of respondent’s products or services
  • Relevant pricing estimates

Questions and Points of Contact:

Jim Howell, Senior Originator
[email protected]

Jason Haile, Senior Originator
[email protected]

Submission Date and Address:

Electronic responses to this notice are requested to be emailed to the above contacts no later than Thursday, June 30, 2016.

Hard copies should be delivered to Jim Howell and Jason Haile at:

Tennessee Valley Authority
1101 Market Street, MR 2A – C
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402


TVA recognizes that certain information contained in proposals submitted may be considered confidential and, as permitted by applicable law, will treat as confidential any information clearly labeled as such.  If TVA is formally requested and required by any regulatory or judicial authority, or is otherwise required by law, to disclose information with regard to a proposal, TVA will disclose such information in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.