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Clean, Reliable Energy - Allen Combined Cycle Plant

TVA is Hosting Virtual Community Meetings to Visit with Our Neighbors about the Allen Restoration Project

TVA is hosting a series of virtual community meetings to visit with our neighbors about the retired Allen Fossil Plant restoration project and our efforts to protect the Memphis aquifer.

Our Continuing Commitment on the Allen Site

We believe in the value of relationships & partnerships. That’s why we’re taking more time to engage with our community partners on our Allen restoration project.

Allen Timeline is Separate from Power Supplier Discussions

The following is a letter to the editor running in the Commercial Appeal as TVA’s response to a recent letter from U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen questioning our commitment to remediate the former Allen Fossil Plant site in Memphis.

Provide Feedback on Next Steps at Allen Fossil Plant Site

TVA invites you to review its pre-recorded virtual public open house on the next steps regarding the safe removal and long-term storage of coal ash from the Allen Fossil Plant.

Memphis Leaders Attend Allen Tour and Info Session

Community leaders from all corners of Memphis gathered on a cold January day recently to get a first-hand look at the old Allen Fossil Plant site and its surrounding coal yards, now empty and quiet.

TVA Opens Doors of Former Allen Fossil Plant to Memphis Leaders

The latest news and updates around TVA’s decommissioned Allen Fossil Plant were the topics of discussion during a recent media event and luncheon for local elected officials.

TVA Presents EIS To Memphis Community & Encourages Feedback

TVA leadership held a public information meeting at Mitchell Community Center in Southeast Memphis to speak with local residents about their hopes and concerns surrounding the Allen Fossil Plant.

Give us Your Feedback on Plans for Coal Ash at Former Allen Fossil Plant

TVA is moving forward with plans to remove coal ash stored at the former Allen Fossil Plant and to demolish the plant structures. We invite the public to comment on a draft Environmental Impact Statement which will look at the environmental effects of various options.

Watch Now: – How TVA is Protecting Memphis Drinking Water

As a member of the Memphis community, TVA is taking action to ensure its operating and legacy facilities help protect the city’s prized drinking water quality.

TVA Is Protecting Your Drinking Water. Here’s How

TVA wants you to have a clear picture of our work to protect Memphis drinking water. A new video shares a 3-D view of our remediation efforts at the Allen Fossil Plant in Memphis.

Memphians Voice Opinions, Learn About Allen Environmental Studies

“We appreciate everyone who attended and who offered their feedback. Thank you!” — Marcey Wright, TVA