What People are Saying
An Enduring Mission
Civil engineer Miles Yaw earns TVA’s Engineer of the Year award.
Frontlines of Progress
TVA employees embrace learning, new experiences
Going Paleo
TVA Dam Safety team and university researchers dig into history to uncover Valley region’s worst floods.
Legacy of Savings
TVA’s Strategic Energy Management program helps companies reduce costs while giving back to local schools.
Cyber School’s in Session
TVA and ASCTE partner to develop new cybersecurity pathways for Alabama students.
A Record-Setting Morning
TVA employees, partners and Valley residents unite to meet surging demand for power.
Driving the Bus
These TVA system operators are constantly on alert to synchronize electricity generation with customer demand.
Flows, Drones and Trains
Hop aboard as a TVA team and their partners help a rare flower recover on the remote Hiwassee River.
The Megawatt Mission
Winter preparedness teams harden freeze protection systems.
Birds on the Brain
Though the days are short, the lack of leaves and rich resources make fall and winter the perfect seasons for birding.
By Land and Air
In the wake of Helene, TVA’s Aviation and Transmission crews unite to restore power in hard-hit regions.
Vital Voices
Stakeholders and public help strengthen TVA’s Integrated Resource Plan.
Keeping It Clean
Students and volunteers board boats to help keep TVA’s Fontana Reservoir clean.
Family Time
Cardins rely on TVA benefits for their growing family.
Cozy Cost-Savers for Cold Weather
TVA energy efficiency expert shares her family’s strategies.
Practicing Performance
Wise models teamwork, communication and collaboration to prepare power system operators.
36 Hours to Demopolis
As two storied entities unite for emergency repairs at a Southern river lock, TVA’s flagship vessel shines.
Agents of Change
TVA-sponsored workshops help conservation partners link actions on land to water health in northern Alabama’s Paint Rock River.
Continuing the Journey
Welch’s teammates show power of community following medical diagnosis
Southern Success
Tennessee’s business landscape and powerful partnerships position the region for continued prosperity.