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Good Stewardship Unites TVA and Local Cub Scouts During Allen Gas Plant Tour

APRIL 3, 2019 — Keeping the lights on is only a small part of what TVA does. During a recent tour of Allen Combined Cycle Natural Gas Plant, a group of local Cub Scouts learned that being a good steward of the environment is equally important.

Cub Scouts


“We’re teaching our Scouts to be thrifty, clean, reverent, respectful of clean energy and resourceful — better stewards of the world. We’ve also talked about clean water, and how some of these natural resources we cannot get back once they’re gone,” said Webelos Two Den Leader Abbay Milnor. “We needed an outing about energy in our community. So, we wanted to come and see how energy is made and the steps TVA has taken to be better stewards of our resources.”

The tour of approximately 15 Cub Scouts and parents was led by Combined Cycle Operations Technician Jesse Kriwox, who stressed TVA’s core value of stewardship.

“We try to be good stewards and make electricity as clean as possible. If we can make cheap, clean, reliable electricity, there is an economic development value that attracts companies to come in and hire people in good-paying jobs. So, ideally, you stimulate growth in your area by providing electricity,” Kriwox explained.

The Scouts, who asked a range of questions, also learned about STEM-related job opportunities for they might consider as future careers.

“If kids don’t know what’s available to them, they might wind up in careers that don’t bring them joy, so we wanted to talk about engineering and how the TVA staff at Allen Combined Cycle got into this line of work,” Milnor noted. “The more that we can show these Scouts what opportunities exist, the better off they’ll be in making informed decisions about what they want to do with their lives.

“Thank you so much, TVA! We certainly appreciate your willingness to host us and for what you do for the community as well.”

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