Memphis City Council Members Tour TVA Facilities
A few local elected officials recently donned hard hats and safety goggles during a tour of Allen Combined Cycle Natural Gas Plant and other TVA facilities. Responding to TVA’s invitation for a tour, Councilwoman Patrice Robinson (District 3) and Councilman Worth Morgan (District 5) joined Memphis Executive Director Mark Creech and Plant Manager Dave Skelskey for an exclusive look into the facility’s operations to learn how TVA generates reliable, low-cost power for West Tennessee.
From left: Skelskey, Creech, Robinson, Morgan
Memphis Light, Gas and Water Division, one of TVA’s largest customers, has recently been exploring its wholesale power supplier options, and City Council leaders are an integral part of that decision-making process.
“TVA values MLGW as a customer and remains committed to providing energy at the lowest feasible rate,” Creech commented.
With each step through the $1-billion natural gas plant, Council members learned more about TVA’s 24-hour operation to power the area, a mission driven by service. What they saw, Robinson and Morgan called “impressive.” Morgan later posted to Instagram about his experience touring the plant.
A few days later, the journey continued eastward, when Council members were joined by MLGW leaders during a tour of the Chattanooga Office Complex (COC), the TVA System Operation Center and Power Trading floor, along with the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant. The two-day trip later received media coverage in Memphis.
“We are both hopeful and confident that MLGW and the City of Memphis will find TVA’s overall value proposition in energy and economic development will continue to provide the greatest benefit to Memphians,” Creech concluded.