TVA Expands Memphis Home Weatherization Funding
TVA is expanding its support for residents who want to make energy upgrades to their homes. The funding benefits more than 100 additional, qualified families in the Memphis area.
This year, the City of Memphis Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) received more than 600 applications and secured funding from TVA’s Home Uplift Program to weatherize 90 homes. The additional $1 million TVA is providing will benefit WAP applicants who are currently on the waiting list for the services.
“We are changing people’s lives one home at a time,” said Frank Rapley, TVA senior manager, EnergyRight Solutions. “By investing in home energy upgrades, we are helping our neighbors save money on their power bills, live healthier and enjoy a better quality of life.”
Home assessments and upgrades begin in January and run through the summer of 2019. Upgrades could include HVAC repair and/or replacement, insulation, air penetration reduction, windows and doors and minor health and safety repairs that may be necessary to enable the energy upgrades.
“Improving housing directly strengthens our community,” said Mark Creech, TVA executive director in Memphis. “We are thrilled that TVA can provide additional funding to help more families and lift up the community as a whole.”
In March 2018, TVA announced the $1 million investment in the MLGW Share the Pennies program for 2018 and 2019. This partnership with Memphis Light Gas and Water and the Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association provides no-cost energy upgrades to qualified Share the Pennies applicants. TVA is also piloting similar weatherization programs with local power companies in other areas around the Tennessee Valley.