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Cybersecurity for You

Are you cybersecure? Attacks are on the rise, so online safety is more important now than ever. Let TVA's cybersecurity experts show you four ways to protect yourself, your devices and your digital assets. Watch now!

There’s no doubt about it—cybersecurity attacks are on the rise. The energy sector is a popular target, according to Andrea Brackett, director of TVA’s Cybersecurity.

That’s why—as the nation's largest public power utility—TVA works around the clock to ensure that information and industrial control systems are well protected,

But it’s not just companies like TVA that are at risk. Consumers are likely targets, too.

“Cybersecurity is a hot topic these days and frequently in the national news,” Brackett says. “In reality, it’s a challenge that we’ve seen growing for several years. For example, major breaches were announced last year by Equifax and Yahoo.”

But there are steps you can take to protect yourself. Put TVA’s expertise to work for you. Watch these four short videos, and learn how to protect yourself from cyber attack.



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Cybersecurity While Traveling