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Annual Drawdown Scheduled for Melton Hill Reservoir

Mar 5, 2024
  • Melton Hill Reservoir will be lowered 2 to 4 feet between March 24 and April 3.
  • This temporary lowering gives property owners an opportunity to perform maintenance and cleanup on docks and along the shoreline.

OAK RIDGE, Tenn. — The Tennessee Valley Authority will temporarily lower Melton Hill Reservoir up to 4 feet later this month to assist property owners with annual spring cleaning and dock maintenance.

TVA will hold the reservoir between 790- and 792-feet for about 12 days beginning Sunday, March 24. Melton Hill will be returned to its normal winter elevation by April 4. Please note that drawdown targets and dates could change due to potential rainfall, so residents are asked to remain flexible.

The drawdown gives property owners the opportunity to perform any needed maintenance on previously permitted water use facilities (i.e. docks, shoreline stabilization, etc.).  For safety, do not leave equipment along the shoreline because water levels may rise overnight.

Please contact TVA to determine the necessary permits needed to install new water use facilities, and visit this webpage.

Information on the river system and specific reservoirs is available on TVA's website and also by downloading TVA's free Lake Info App for Apple and Android devices.

About TVA

The Tennessee Valley Authority is the nation’s largest public power supplier, delivering energy to 10 million people across seven southeastern states. TVA was established 90 years ago to serve this region and the nation by developing innovative solutions to solve complex challenges. TVA’s unique mission focuses on energy, environmental stewardship, and economic development. With one of the largest, most diverse, and cleanest energy systems – including nuclear, hydro, solar, gas, and advanced technologies – TVA is a leader in our nation’s drive toward a clean energy future.

TVA is a corporate agency of the United States, receiving no taxpayer funding, deriving virtually all of its revenues from sales of electricity. In addition to operating and investing its revenues in its electric system, TVA provides flood control, navigation, and land management for the Tennessee River system, and assists local power companies and state and local governments with economic development and job creation.


Adam May
TVA Media Relations
[email protected]

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