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TVA Environmental Assessment Supports Dewatering Facility at Gallatin

Jul 21, 2017

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. – The Tennessee Valley Authority is taking another step to change the way ash and other coal combustion residuals are stored at Gallatin Fossil Plant in Gallatin, Tennessee.

TVA plans to build a dewatering facility to remove moisture from bottom ash created by the burning of coal at the plant. Bottom ash is particles of ash that are too large to be captured in the air and are instead collected at the bottom of the steam furnace. Water is currently used to move the ash into ponds for storage, but TVA is moving to a dry storage system at Gallatin and all its fossil sites.

As part of the process, TVA completed an assessment of potential environmental impacts for two types of dewatering facilities. Both would remove the moisture, but one would discharge the water from the facility to the river through a permitted location while the other would recycle the discharge water back into the powerhouse for continued use.

A Finding of No Significant Impact was issued on July 19, 2017, stating that neither option would have a significant impact on the environment. TVA also looked at the option not to construct a dewatering facility and continue to store the ash in on-site ponds.

TVA’s preferred alternative is the facility which includes a recirculated discharge water system. The dry product would then be stored at the onsite landfill.

The Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact are available online at or in hard copy by contacting Ashley Farless, Tennessee Valley Authority, 1101 Market St., BR 4A, Chattanooga, TN, 37402.

TVA’s Gallatin Fossil Plant is located on the north bank of the Cumberland River in Sumner County, Tennessee. It’s four coal-fired generating units have a combined summer net capacity of 976 megawatts, enough to supply power to more than 500,000 homes.


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