Press Releases
TVA Seeking Comments on Proposed Ash Storage at Bull Run Fossil Plant
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. – The Tennessee Valley Authority is asking the public for input on plans for a new dry ash storage landfill on TVA property next to the Bull Run Fossil Plant in Anderson County, Tenn.
A draft Environmental Impact Statement is now available for review and comment. The document considers potential environmental impacts of numerous locations for a new ash storage area that would be suitable for meeting TVA’s needs. Additionally, the EIS considered a “No Action” alternative, which serves as a baseline, not an actual option.
This proposal supports TVA's long-range plans and commitment to convert the handling of coal combustion residuals from a wet system to a dry system at Bull Run and across the fleet.
This project and draft EIS not related to the proposed Programmatic EIS for coal combustion residual impoundment closures at Bull Run and 9 other sites announced earlier this year. That study addresses closure and permanent storage options for existing impoundments.
TVA invites public comment on the Draft EIS, available at TVA will accept written comments electronically and by conventional mail through July 4, 2016.
Address comments to Anita E. Masters, NEPA Project Manager, Tennessee Valley Authority, 1101 Market St., Mail Stop BR 4A, Chattanooga, TN, 37402. Comments also may be submitted on the project website at or by email at [email protected].
For more information about TVA and its 83-year mission of service to the Tennessee Valley, click here.