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Girls in school learning engineering

Student Training and Resource Sharing

About Us

TVA STARS Program is a School-to-Work program that trains students in heavy civil construction and facilities operations and maintenance while providing low-cost, quality services for TVA.

In addition to expanding educational and career opportunities for students, STARS is a training ground for tomorrow's workforce who will need advanced construction and trade skills to compete in a highly competitive job market.

Through STARS, high school juniors and seniors are taught the construction and operations skills needed to become proficient at producing quality services outside of the classroom.

Students using drilling machines in college workshop

High school students are eligible to work at one of our facilities and/or construction job sites, where they earn wages while completing projects and tasks for TVA.

Students gain hands-on experience while working with industry trade professionals throughout each project.

Students also learn the importance of time management in order to meet deadlines and how to meet or exceed expectations when other people are depending on them.

Students truly become an integral part of our team and gain many skills that help them in school and life.

Our Services

Civil Construction

The Civil Construction department executes projects across the entire TVA service area focusing on fossil and hydro projects. Work includes construction for a wide variety of civil needs, from landfill development, closure facilities, and land clearing to drainage control and roadways. We also implement Dam Safety Projects for River Operations, including remedial construction for large dams, installation of permanent flood walls on concrete and saddle dams, and installation of post tension anchors, instrumentation, buttressing, and seepage control systems.

What you can learn: GPS Technology, Quality, Safety, Environmental Compliance, Budget, and Schedule Tracking.

welder in a plant

Facilities Maintenance 

Facilities Management plans manages, and maintains core building assets across the Valley, including portfolio strategy, project implementation, and maintenance of buildings and grounds. We strive to operate and maintain TVA assets in a safe, secure, environmentally sound, and cost-effective manner. We provide services in support of all organizations across the Valley.

What you can learn: Building Maintenance, Grounds Maintenance, Custodial Services, Mail, Print and Telecom Services, and Space Management.


When you partner with STARS, you are doing more than getting great services at a great value. 

Your return on investment is ultimately measured by how much your partnership positively affects communities across the Valley.

It doesn't take long to realize the positive impact of each partnership within the lives of the students, schools, organizations, and communities involved.

Your support makes it possible to continue our program and expand opportunities for more students.

We pride ourselves on being flexible and thinking outside the box as well, so we are always open to new and exciting possibilities for partnerships.

If you would like to learn more about how your organization can partner with STARS, please contact us and we would be glad to talk with you.

Deanna Fults
[email protected]