Protecting the Environment
Right from its earliest days, TVA worked to protect the environment by teaching farmers how to stop soil erosion, helping restore forests and assisting the states in controlling water pollution.
We are committed to clean air and a clean water supply for our region, as well as protecting historical and cultural resources. You can help us take great care of our 293,000 acres of land and 11,000 miles of shoreline.
Protecting Wildlife Habitats
TVA manages thousands of acres of land along the waterways of the Tennessee River Valley. One important goal is to protect the places that animals depend on for food and shelter. Find out what TVA does to preserve wildlife habitats.
Clean Water
Fish, plants, people—all living creatures depend on clean water. Read about how TVA works to protect our water.
Solar Power
See how TVA gets power from the sun. And learn about TVA’s green power program, which makes electricity from sources that help keep the environment clean.
Clean Air
TVA has spent nearly $6 billion to control the release of chemicals from its coal-burning power plants. Read about emission controls.
What You Can Do
There is a lot you and your family can do to conserve water and help keep it clean in your community. Try some of these ideas.