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Bunch of children looking leaves through magnifying glasses.

Protecting Wildlife Habitats

TVA is in charge of 293,000 acres of public land and 11,000 miles of shoreline. It has set aside much of that land to preserve a home for wildlife and to protect and study animals, birds, and fish.

TVA has been working to protect wildlife for years. In 1976 TVA started the Natural Heritage Project. With help from the Nature Conservancy, TVA’s wildlife specialists make careful studies of the plants and animals that are threatened or endangered. Then biologists create plans that will help protect wild areas.

Here are some other examples of how TVA works to benefit wildlife:

More than 181,000 acres under TVA's management have been set aside for natural resource management—including the enhancement of wildlife habitat.

TVA manages about 60 percent of this land; the other 40 percent is managed by other agencies, such as state wildlife areas or refuges. Read more about wildlife habitat preservation.

Aquatic Life

“Aquatic life” means fish and other creatures that live in the water. TVA helps protect habitat for aquatic life in a number of ways.

TVA Natural Areas

TVA has set up a network of Natural Areas along the Tennessee River and its tributaries. They are designed to protect rare animals and plants and the natural communities where they live. By setting these areas aside, TVA is better able to limit activities that could put these animals and plants in danger. Some of the TVA Natural Areas are open to the public for hiking, wildlife observation and nature appreciation.