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National Trails Day

Celebrate National Trails Day With TVA

TVA trails crisscross almost 180 miles of public land — there for you to hike. There are trails available of all levels of difficulty to enjoy. They’re fun to explore and great for exercise.

Each year people all across the country unite on the first Saturday of June in celebration of American Hiking Society’s National Trails Day®. Millions of people from all ages and backgrounds experience physical, mental and emotional benefits on trails throughout the year. Let us return the favor by caring for America’s magnificent trail system and helping everyone in the U.S. to enjoy trails and natural areas.

Take the American Hiking Society’s #NationalTrailsDay pledge in honor of National Trails Day® and commit to taking at least one action this year to care for trails and advocate for equitable access to quality green space.

History of TVA Trails

The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) built some of the first TVA trails on the Muscle Shoals Reservation. The Rockpile Trail was created by the CCC for the public’s enjoyment and even today, you can access its pavilions, picnic areas and overlooks. It seems like public trails were part of TVA’s mission to serve the people of the Tennessee Valley, just as Benton MacKaye, the godfather of the Appalachian Trail, imagined as a way to connect people to public land.

How to Help

This year TVA continues to celebrate the Adopt A TVA Trail and Adopt A Spot public programs, which help TVA keep an eye on the informal campsites and boat ramps by picking up litter and maintaining trails for our hikers, bikers, and horse riders to enjoy.

We started the programs in 2017 as a way to connect local communities to their public lands and trails by offering growth opportunities for trail maintenance, invasive plant removal and to educate the public on the many recreational opportunities available on TVA public lands. We launched our trail maintenance program, Team up for Trails, in 2019 and worked with many of our volunteers to help maintain trails via workshops, providing tools and hosting National Trails Day events.

This year, we are offering several ways that you can help:

  • Adopt a trail! Visit tva.com/volunteer and fill out an application or email [email protected]. While you are there, join our newsletter to learn about upcoming events
  • Get social! Share your personal experience connecting with TVA trails and quality green space in your community. Tag #tvafun and #NationalTrailsDay on your social media posts for a chance to be featured in partnership with diverse hiking community members across the country.
  • Take a hike! Visit tva.com/trails for details about the various trails available on each TVA reservoir.