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My Aquatic Animal

Driving or Multi-dimensional Question:

Given a specified stream or aquatic environment will aquatic animals survive, maintain, or thrive?

Unit Summary:

Students will collect data and research the life sustaining requirements for respiration and digestive reactions of aquatic life. Students will be supported in collection of data by several organizations. Students will present the findings in written and presentation formats.

Hook Event:

In groups of 4 students will visit the specified area (field trip/ virtual field trip). With the help of a local environment and conservation office present students with options of aquatic animals to pick their favorite

Culminating Event:

Students will present the data findings as applied to the suitability and sustainability of three chosen aquatic animals for a specified aquatic system. The data and defense will be presented through a google slide and in a research paper.


Science Standards:

Next Generation Standard
HS-PS1-5. Apply scientific principles and evidence to provide an explanation about the effects of changing the temperature or concentration of the reacting particles on the rate at which a reaction occurs.

Math Standards:

Tennessee Standard
A. Make inferences and justify conclusions from sample surveys, experiments, and observational studies.

ELA and Other Standards:

Tennessee Standard
11-12.SL.CC.2 Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media formats in order to make informed decisions and solve problems; evaluate the credibility and accuracy of each source and note any discrepancies among the data.

Daily Activities

For more information on this lesson please see the Lesson Resources below

 ActivityDescriptionResources and Materials
Activity OneIntroduction into respiration and digestion reactions of aquatic animals. 
Activity Two

Visit the chosen aquatic habitat site with TDEC. Students will choose three aquatic animals and research the water temperature, flow rate and dissolved oxygen needed for this animal not only to survive but thrive.

Activity ThreeUse Vernier dissolved oxygen sensors, flow sensors and thermometers to record data in the chosen area.  TTU’s exercise science instructor and team will teach kayak /canoe safety and monitor for safety while students are in the water.  TTU’s Director of the Water Center will teach students how to properly take data

Vernier sensors:

Dissolved Oxygen sensor Water flow rate sensor


Activity Four

Students will analyze the collected data. The data will be used in determining if the aquatic animals will survive based on the nutritional needs of the reactions.

Computers for data recording
Activity Five

Students will write a report citing evidence comparing the data collected to sources from TVA, Tennessee Corp of Engineers, and TTU water Center.

Computers for Google slides presentation

Google docs

Technology Integration: Students will use Vernier probes for water flow rate and dissolved oxygen. Students will use Google to collect and share data. Students will also write a paper of the findings and built a presentation on Google.

Community PartnersContribution to Learning ExperienceContact Information

Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation TDEC

TDEC stream study and samples of aquatic animals


TVA- water quality support- Lana Bean

TVA recorded data and information on aquatic animals


Your State Corp. of Engineers

Permission to use the land and canoes


TTU – Exercise Science Christy Killman

Safety in canoes and volunteers to ensure safety and Vernier Sensor loan through the TT Lending Library at the STEM center


TTU – Director of Water Center Jeff Schaeffer

TTU –Tania Datta Associate Professor Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering  Center for the Management, Utilization & Protection of Water Resources

TTU – Lending Library equipment  

Capstone Presentation:

Students will present the findings to their peers. The organizations, university and agencies who assisted the students will be invited to attend.

Lesson Resources