About STEMready
Building the Workforce of Tomorrow
Welcome to STEMready, a website dedicated to those who teach—and learn—science, technology, engineering and mathematics. This site is brought to you by the Tennessee Valley Authority, which was founded in 1933 to uplift our region by providing public energy, environmental stewardship and economic development—and follows that mission today.
At TVA, we know that STEM learning prepares students to be the workforce of tomorrow—preparing them for steady, good-paying careers that will see them through a lifetime of prosperity right here in the Tennessee Valley. That’s true whether they’ll eventually pursue a four-year degree or a two-year degree—or some other form of technical training designed to help them fit into a high-tech niche that today, we might only barely be able to glimpse.
STEM studies are the underpinnings of academic success, available through STEMready to those of all socioeconomic backgrounds, all locations, all genders and all abilities. STEM, we believe, is for everyone.
This site is full of ready-made STEM project-based learning modules on a couple of topics TVA knows very well: electricity and energy. You’ll find PBL lessons created by Tennessee Valley teachers that align with your academic standards.
We hope this site will serve as a window into TVA and all its STEM resources, be they stories, videos, photographs, animations or the experts themselves. And we hope that through STEMready, you will feel our underlying mission to improve lives in the Tennessee Valley.
We want to thank our partners at the Tennessee STEM Innovation Network, who worked with Valley teachers to help create the project based lessons that appear on this website.