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Driving or Multi-dimensional Question:

Clearing of land and new roads can pose issues for the species in our area. How would your team recommend enhancing the habitat not only in our public natural area but also in our more urban public spaces?

Unit Summary:

Students will learn about succession and its progression on land and in the water. The topic of native vs invasive species will also be discussed. Students will then participate in a species collection using the iNaturalist app. Finally, collected data is used by students to form a management plan to improve species biodiversity in a public space in the area.

Hook Event:

Develop an introductory activity that will spark student interest and further questions.

Culminating Event:

Team Management Plan
Student teams will defend their plan to adopt a local public area to improve the habitat for native species.
Teams will discuss the progress of succession as well as the management of invasive species in the plan.


Science Standards:

BIO1.LS2.5 – Analyze examples of ecological succession, identifying, and explaining the order of events responsible for the formation of a new ecosystem in response to extreme fluctuations in environmental conditions or catastrophic events.
BIO1.LS4.3 Identify ecosystem services and assess the role of biodiversity in support of these services. Analyze the role human activities have on the disruption of these services.

Math Standards:

A1.S.ID.B.4 Represent data on two quantitative variables on a scatter plot and describe how the variables are related.

ELA and Other Standards:

Social Studies, Art, Physical Education

Daily Activities

For more information on this lesson please see the Lesson Resources below

 ActivityDescriptionResources and Materials
Activity One iNaturalist Bio Blitz and Data Interpretation



Activity TwoPrimary and Secondary Succession

Tennessee Wildlife Judging Manual  https://henderson.tennessee.edu/judging-team-news/
pages 98-120
The National WHEP manual has information on species from
many areas.

Activity ThreeEcosystem ServicesProject Boards or Digital Equivalent
Activity FourTeam Management Plan 

Technology Integration: - The collection of species using technology has revolutionized the collection of data. - The project displayed digitally broadens the audience dramatically.

Community PartnersContribution to Learning ExperienceContact Information
Joshua ArgoPartners joined our iNaturalist project  [email protected]

Philip Short, Ph.D.

Director of the Jack Hunt STEM Center
Assistant Professor
Austin Peay State University

Partners assisted with the correct identification of many species.Office: 931-221-7513
[email protected]
Michelle Rogers
Department of Biology
Austin Peay State University
Partners guided me with the use of the iNaturalist website and app.

[email protected]

4. Daniel Sarver
Extension Specialist for 4-H STEM
University of Tennessee

A 4-H agent with experience in the wildlife project will make and excellent classroom guest speaker or management plan advisor.Office 865-974-2128 [email protected]

Capstone Presentation:

The team wildlife management plan is the capstone presentation. Students can display/share presentations within the school or community where appropriate.

Lesson Resources