Kingston Recovery Project
Administrative Order and Agreement on Consent
Provides the regulatory framework for the restoration efforts under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA).
Action Memorandum for the Time-Critical Removal Action
Describes the rationale for selection of the time-critical removal action consisting of removal, processing, and disposal of the major portion of ash material released into the Emory River.
On-Scene Coordinator Report for the Time Critical Removal Action
Describes the response actions completed to achieve short-term strategic site objectives defined in the Administrative Order as time-critical removal actions. Report covers the period of May 2009 to December 2010.
On Scene Coordinator Report Addendum for the Time Critical Removal Action
Describes the response actions completed for Dike C during the time-critical removal action.
Action Memorandum for the Non-Time-Critical Removal Action for the Embayment / Dredge Cell
Describes the rationale for selection of the non-time-critical removal action for the Swan Pond Embayment and Dredge Cell.
Action Memorandum for the Non-Time-Critical Removal Action for the River System
Describes the rationale for selection of the non-time-critical removal action for the river system that involved the restoration of areas having residual ash material that was released into the Emory River and Watts Bar Reservoir.
Non-Time Critical Removal Action for the River System Long-Term Monitoring Sampling and Analysis Plan
Describes the data-gathering efforts to support the Long-term Monitoring of portions of the Emory and Clinch residual ash from the ash spill.
KIF Ash Recovery Project Updated Data Analysis Temporal Trend Evaluations in Biota 2009-2015
Summarizes data collected in 2013 under the terms of the approved Long-Term Monitoring plan for the Emory and Clinch Rivers and preliminary results for some 2014 samples.
Natural Resource Damage Assessment Restoration and Compensation Determination Plan Final Report
Summarizes the type and scale of restoration measures implemented to compensate for injuries to natural resources.
On-Scene Coordinator Report Addendum for the Non-Time-Critical Removal Action for the Embayment/Dredge Cell
Describes the response actions completed to restore the ecosystem in the Swan Pond Embayment during the non-time-critical removal action.
On-Scene Coordinator Report for the Non-Time-Critical Removal Action for the Embayment/Dredge Cell
Describes the response actions completed to achieve mid-term strategic site objectives defined in the Administrative Order as non-time critical removal actions. Report covers the period of December 2010 to December 2014.
Kingston Ash Recovery Project Completion Report
Consolidated record of all response activities, including an appendix documenting compliance with requirements of the Administrative Order.