Get Involved, Stay Involved
We care what you think, and want you to share your ideas and input with us. We also want you to stay informed about the things we do.
Upcoming Meetings
RERC Meeting - February 24 & 25
The TVA Regional Energy Resource Council (RERC) will hold a meeting on February 24 and 25, to receive an update and provide advice on TVA’s 2025 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). The IRP provides strategic direction on how TVA will continue to provide low-cost, reliable, resilient, and increasingly cleaner electricity to the 10 million residents of the Valley region.
Board Meetings
TVA Board Meeting - February 13, 2025
The Tennessee Valley Authority Board of Directors invites the public to join them in person or online as they conduct their quarterly business meeting at 9 a.m. ET on Thursday, Feb. 13.
The meeting will be held at the auditorium at TVA’s Knoxville Office Complex located at 400 W. Summit Hill Drive, in Knoxville. A live stream of the meeting will be available on TVA.com.
A listening session will be held from 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Feb. 12, in the auditorium.
All speaker registrations and comment submissions must be made no later than noon Eastern time on Tuesday, Feb. 11. Individuals without computer access may also register to speak or arrange to submit written comments by contacting TVA at 865-632-8380.
Recurring Meetings
Board of Directors Meetings and Listening Sessions
Regional Energy Resource Council Meetings
Regional Resource Stewardship Council Meetings
Projects Open for Public Comment
Integrated Resource Plan
Transmission Projects
Belmont Stage 2, Mississippi (Clay, Lowndes, and Oktibbeha Counties)
Kentucky Area Improvements Phase II (Logan and Todd Counties)
Environmental Reviews
Clinch River Nuclear Site Advanced Nuclear Reactor Technology Park Unit 1
Land Action Notices
Proposed Deed Modification and Section 26a Permit to Ian and Kimberly Holback on Douglas Reservoir
Proposed Section 26a Permit for Modifications to True North Marina, LLC on Chatuge Reservoir