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Lost Creek

Lost Creek Dam is one of eight small dams located on the Beech River and its tributaries in West Tennessee.

Lost Creek is a flood detention dam with no permanent reservoir pool. It is one of a cluster of eight dams that provide flood damage reduction, recreational opportunities, and water supply in the Beech River watershed. The others are Beech, Cedar, Dogwood, Pin Oak, Pine, Redbud, and Sycamore.

The area provides opportunities for boating, swimming, and fishing. Backpackers and hikers enjoy the adjacent lands.

Programs in the Beech River area for upland game management, restocking fish populations, constructing underwater fish attractors, and enhancing the habitat for resident Canada geese to ensure the quality and future of the outdoor experience.

Lost Creek: Facts & Figures

  • Construction of Lost Creek Dam was completed in 1963.
  • The dam is 18 feet high and 1,040 feet long.
  • Lost Creek Dam is not a hydroelectric facility. It has no power generators and produces no electricity.
  • The detention basin has a flood-storage capacity of 860 acre-feet.