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Allen Combustion Turbine Plant

The Allen Combustion Turbine site is located on the Mississippi River, five miles southwest of downtown Memphis, Tenn., and is co-located in the Allen Fossil Plant reservation.

The CT plant has 20 units. Units 1 through 16 are General Electric 5N units with a rated generating capacity of approximately 20 megawatts each. Units 17 to 20 are GE 7B units rated for 60 megawatts apiece. Total capacity is 456 megawatts. The turbines run on diesel oil and natural gas to supply power during times of peak power demand across the TVA power system.

Allen CTs have fast-start capability allowing TVA to meet North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) guidelines for Disturbance Control Standard recovery in the event of a loss of system generation. The units also are capable of remote operation.

Allen CTs 1 and 9 are the only units in the CT fleet with "black start" capability and can be used to start the Allen Fossil Plant. Black start is the process of restoring a power plant to operation without relying on the external transmission network.