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Transmission Line 101

Transmission Line 101

Ever wondered about TVA transmission lines—where they go, how they’re built or planned for? You’ll want to see every installment of our informative new video series. If you live near the lines, you won’t want to miss it!

Reliable power is something we all depend on. It allows our homes, schools, businesses and hospitals to operate. In fact, TVA power is so reliable, most of us take it for granted.

But have you ever wondered about the power lines that bring energy from generating plants to your community? How are they built? How are their locations determined? How is the environment cared for when a new line goes in?

The transmission grid is a complex machine, and the process of adding each new transmission line is carefully planned. This series of videos will inform and educate about transmission topics that matter to everyone who uses power—and are especially of interest to those who live near the lines.

Transmission Line Basics

Michael Nance explains the basics of how transmission lines are built and how they work—and how they connect to TVA's mission of economic development.

Siting Transmission Lines

Spencer Whittier’s role is to find the best route for a line between points A and B while minimizing impacts to people, communities and the environment.

Environment Stewardship

Emily Willard shares information about how TVA cares for the environment as we build our lines, and how we work with property owners, regulators and other stakeholders.

Right-of-Way Realty

Mike Collier helps property owners understand right of ways, easements and what they can expect if a new line is coming through.

Right of Way Forestry

Clem Peters prepares a right of way for construction, ensuring care for the environment and respect for property owners.

Transmission Line Construction

The final step is to build the line. See the work of our linemen as they build the structures and install the lines that will deliver power to your community.