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Bellefonte Site Utility Improvements

Jackson County, Alabama

On April 25, 2014, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) completed a final environmental assessment and issued a finding of no significant impact for the proposed utility improvements at its Bellefonte Nuclear Plant (BLN) site. The BLN site is being maintained and preserved in construction-deferred status after halting construction in 1988 in response to decreased power demand.  Currently, employees are located at the site for site maintenance and operations.  TVA’s Power Systems Operations (PSO) Training Center, used year round, is also located on the BLN reservation.  After a 2014 inspection of the site’s utility infrastructure, TVA found that improvements were needed to its water and sewer connections.  The improvements would include the installation of new sewer lines and replacement of a portion of an existing leaky waterline along Bellefonte Road.  TVA, in partnership with Scottsboro Water, Sewer & Gas, also proposed to install a new force main sewer line and pump station to connect its current system to the Scottsboro pump station northwest of the BLN site.  TVA would also install a new force main sewer line to connect the PSO Training Center to the BLN site’s newly proposed sewer system.  These improvements will make BLN’s utility infrastructure more reliable.

Related Documents

Finding of No Significant Impact (PDF, 1.7mb)

Final Environmental Assessment (PDF, 11.8mb)


More information on this environmental review can be obtained from:

Loretta A McNamee
Contract NEPA Specialist
[email protected]
400 West Summit Hill Drive, WT 11D
Knoxville, 37902