Construction of U.S. Highway 321 and Bridges at Fort Loudoun and Tellico Dam Reservations
Loudon County, Tennessee
On August 29, 2013, TVA published a supplement to an environmental assessment (EA) and issued a finding of no significant impact (FONSI) for a temporary license of 6.08 acres on the Fort Loudoun Dam Reservation on tracts FL-1 and FL-2 and Tellico Dam Reservation on tract TELR-103, to provide staging, haul roads, lay down areas, and install and operate temporary barge loading facilities for the construction of new bridges over the Tellico canal and Tennessee River. The license will provide more efficient transportation of construction material and equipment to the new bridge construction sites, which would allow Tennessee Department of Transportation to complete the upgrading of U. S. Highway 321 (State Route 73) from Lenoir City, Tennessee to Blount County, Tennessee from two to four lanes in order to relieve traffic congestion and improve safety. Analyses of the proposal found no significant environmental impacts would result from use of the additional property.
The Federal Highway Administration (FHA) and TDOT issued an EA in May 1998 which addressed environmental impacts of new bridge construction on the proposed road location and affected area including the TVA property involved. In April 2008,
TVA prepared a supplement to the FHA/TDOT EA to consider the environmental impacts of removing the existing U.S. Highway 321 Bridge on top of Fort Loudoun Dam and its associated approach ways, and providing improved access to Lenoir City and TVA property.
On April 30, 2008, TVA issued a FONSI and adopted the FHA/TDOT EA.
For more information about the environmental review or to request a printed or digital copy of the documents, contact:
Amy B. Henry
Manager NEPA Program and Valley Projects
[email protected]
400 West Summit Hill Drive, WT 11D
Knoxville, TN 37902
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