Muscle Shoals Reservation Comprehensive Master Plan
Colbert County, Alabama
In March 2015, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) approved a final Comprehensive Master Plan (CMP) to encourage proper and responsible development of approximately 1,000 acres of the Muscle Shoals Reservation (MSR). TVA, in cooperation with the locally formed Northwest Alabama Cooperative District (NACD), conducted studies; evaluated environmental, historical, and architectural impacts and alternatives; participated in public forums; collected public input; and evaluated the market potential of the MSR site. As a result of these efforts, TVA and the NACD developed the CMP to serve as an overarching guiding principles tool to encourage well-managed development. It includes data and inputs collected throughout the planning process, the actions taken to develop the CMP, the preferred reuse plan, and the steps necessary to bring this surplus property to auction.
In November 2012, the TVA Board declared 1,000 acres of the MSR to be surplus to TVA’s needs and authorized the sale of such acreage at public auction for redevelopment. The surplus, sale, and redevelopment of this property could positively impact the local and regional economy while reducing TVA’s footprint and costs for operations and maintenance. For more information about this process, please visit the Muscle Shoals Redevelopment webpage.
Public Involvement
TVA issued a draft CMP on September 16, 2014 and public comments were accepted through October 16, 2014. A public meeting to receive comments was held on September 20, 2014, at the Marriott Shoals Hotel and Spa, Florence, Alabama.
Related Documents
Final Muscle Shoals Reservation Comprehensive Master Plan 2015
Muscle Shoals Reservation Comprehensive Master Plan Adaptive Re-Use Book 1 High Res Finalk
Muscle Shoals Reservation Comprehensive Master Plan Adaptive Re-Use Book 2 High Res Finalk
Muscle Shoals Reservation Comprehensive Master Plan Adaptive Re-Use Book 3 High Res Finalk
Muscle Shoals Reservation Comprehensive Master Plan Adaptive Re-Use Book 4 High Res Finalk
Muscle Shoals Reservation Comprehensive Master Plan Appendix B_Cyclic Assessment Report
Muscle Shoals Reservation Comprehensive Master Plan Appendix C_Muscle Shoals SDP_LAS_120307
Muscle Shoals Reservation Comprehensive Master Plan Appendix D_TVA Site Eval Report
Muscle Shoals Reservation Comprehensive Master Plan Appendix F_NHPA Reg Form_112013
Muscle Shoals Reservation Comprehensive Master Plan Appendix G_MSR DRG rev tlf1
Muscle Shoals Reservation Comprehensive Master Plan Appendix I_Pond Creek Study_BWSC_092412
Muscle Shoals Reservation Comprehensive Master Plan Appendix K_MSR _Wetland Process_Final_2014
Muscle Shoals Reservation Comprehensive Master Plan Appendix J_MSR Wetland Report_Final_2014
Muscle Shoals Reservation Comprehensive Master Plan Appendix L_Map of Area of Concern
Muscle Shoals Reservation Comprehensive Master Plan Appendix M_MSR opportunities Map
Muscle Shoals Reservation Comprehensive Master Plan Appendix N_MSR constraints Map
Muscle Shoals Reservation Comprehensive Master Plan Appendix O_MSR Area Plan Map
Muscle Shoals Reservation Comprehensive Master Plan Appendix P_MSR Concept Map
Muscle Shoals Reservation Comprehensive Master Plan Appendix Q_NACD Resolution 10_19_2012
Muscle Shoals Reservation Comprehensive Master Plan Appendix R_NACD Resolution May 15 2014
Muscle Shoals Reservation Comprehensive Master Plan Appendix-S_MSR CMP-comment-responses
More information on this environmental review can be obtained from:
Amy B. Henry
[email protected]
865-632-3146 (fax)
400 W. Summit Hill Drive
Knoxville, TN 37902