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Muscle Shoals Reservation Operations Relocation

To facilitate the sale and redevelopment of part of the Muscle Shoals Reservation and consolidate essential continuing TVA operations, TVA proposed to relocate certain operations to a new facility on the eastern side of the Reservation. TVA issued a draft Environmental Assessment (EA) of this proposed action for public comment on August 8, 2016.

The draft EA evaluated two alternative locations for the new facility: an undeveloped site on the north side of Reservation Road east of Route 157, and a developed area near the intersection of River Road and High Point Avenue. The new proposed facility was estimated to occupy 10–11 acres and include a combined office and garage building, transmission equipment storage yard, and parking area. The draft EA identified the construction of the new facility at the Reservation Road site as the preferred alternative.

The public comment period closed September 23, 2016 after being extended for two weeks in response to requests from several stakeholders. TVA received about 50 comments on the draft EA. Several of the comments suggested that TVA evaluate refurbishment of existing buildings within the Muscle Shoals Reservation prior to building a new building north of Reservation Road. TVA carefully reviewed these comments and chose to further evaluate the existing buildings within the Reservation for increased utilization. At this time, TVA does not propose to construct a new facility at the Reservation Road site. The Multipurpose Building and Distribution Center were found to be suitable, with minor interior modifications, to relocate the Data Center and Weather Monitoring Station.  The existing Customer Service Center and Transmission Service Center will remain in their existing locations until the areas they occupy are sold.  At that time, TVA will determine the appropriate path forward and future actions will be subject to an environmental review.  

    Related Documents

    Draft Environmental Assessment (PDF, 2.1mb)


    More information on this environmental review can be obtained from:

    Dana Vaughn
    Environmental Program Manager
    [email protected]
    (865) 632-3102
    400 West Summit Hill Drive, WT 11D
    knoxville, TN 37902