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Reservoir Operations Study

Record of Decision

The TVA Board of Directors has issued a decision on a new operating policy for the Tennessee River and reservoir system. TVA and the cooperating agencies (the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) have prepared this Record of Decision to document the details of the decision and the rationale for the decision.

Final Environmental Impact Statement

TVA and the cooperating agencies prepared this final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) to document the environmental, social, and economic impacts associated with reservoir operations policy alternatives evaluated in the Reservoir Operations Study (ROS). The purpose of the ROS was to enable TVA to determine whether changes in its reservoir operations policy would produce greater overall public value.

Related Documents

Record of Decision (PDF, 0.5mb)

Executive Summary (PDF, 0.4mb)

River Operations Study Final Environmental Impact Statement (PDF, 19.2mb)

Appendix C: Model Description and Results (PDF, 5.1mb)

Appendix D1 Water Quality (PDF, 0.2mb)

Appendix D2 Groundwater Resources (PDF, 0.1mb)

Appendix D3 Aquatic Resources (PDF, 0.1mb)

Appendix D4a Wetlands (PDF, 0.1mb)

Appendix D4b Wetlands (PDF, 0.2mb)

Appendix D5 Terrestrial Ecology (PDF, 0.2mb)

Appendix D6a Threatened and Endangered Species (PDF, 0.3mb)

Appendix D6b Threatened and Endangered Species (PDF, 0.3mb)


More information on this environmental review can be obtained from:

Amy B. Henry
[email protected]
865-632-3146 (fax)
400 W. Summit Hill Drive
Knoxville, TN 37902