Shoreline Management Policy
TVA’s new Shoreline Management Policy became effective in 1999. It is based on the Shoreline Management Initiative (SMI), by which TVA, with public input, examined its system for granting permits for docks and other shoreline development. The primary goal was to establish a Valley-wide policy that would improve the protection of shoreline and aquatic resources while allowing reasonable access to the water.
During 1996, TVA sought comments from the public about several shoreline management proposals. In response to a large number of comments reflecting many different opinions, the agency altered earlier SMI proposals and developed the Blended Alternative, which is included in the final environmental impact statement. After additional public input, TVA’s Board of Directors approved a new policy that implements the results of the SMI study.
Volume 1 includes the assessments of environmental, economic, and social issues and the alternatives considered, analyses made, and conclusions reached in the course of the SMI study. The document has a master table of contents, five chapters, and 16 appendixes. The index is organized by subject.
Volume 2 includes comments received by TVA about the draft Environmental Impact Statement, as well as responses to those comments. The document has a table of contents, 11 chapters, and an index organized by the names of people who provided comments. For Internet presentation, these materials have been placed in one file.
Related Documents
Purpose of and Need for Action (PDF, 0.9mb)
Final Environmental Impact Statement, Volume II (PDF, 2.2mb)
Public Summary of Final Environmental Impact Statement (PDF, 1.1mb)
Affected Environment (PDF, 2.8mb)
Environmental Consequences (PDF, 0.6mb)
Master Table of Contents (PDF, 0mb)
Supporting Information (PDF, 0.3mb)
More information on this environmental review can be obtained from:
Amy B. Henry
[email protected]
865-632-3146 (fax)
400 W. Summit Hill Drive
Knoxville, TN 37902