Adamsville Solar Project
McNairy and Hardin Counties, TN
TVA has approved an agreement to purchase the electricity and environmental attributes generated by the Adamsville Solar Project in Hardin and McNairy Counties, TN approximately 1.5 miles northeast of Adamsville, TN. The Project site is able to accommodate up to 25 megawatts (MW) alternating current (AC) in generating capacity and would be constructed and operated by SR Adamsville, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Silicon Ranch Corporation (SRC).
The Project Site is a 295-acre property, consisting of approximately 170 acres that will be fenced and contain panels and an existing 0.56-mile right-of-way owned by Pickwick Electric Company (PEC). Adamsville Solar would build a switchyard to connect to the existing North Adamsville 161-kilovolt (kV) substation via PEC’s existing TL.
On February 15, 2024, TVA finalized the environmental assessment (EA) assessing the impacts of TVA’s action of entering into the PPA with Adamsville Solar, the associated impacts of the construction and operation of the proposed solar facility by Adamsville Solar, and the transmission interconnections and switching stations by Adamsville Solar and TVA.
In 2021, customer demand for cleaner energy prompted TVA to release a Request for Proposal (RFP) for renewable energy resources. The PPAs that resulted from this RFP are needed to help TVA meet the needs for additional renewable energy in response to customer demands and fulfill the 10,000 MW of solar by 2035 target.
Public Involvement
The draft EA was available for a 30-day public comment period that closed on December 8, 2023. Comments submitted were considered in the final EA.
Related Documents
Final Adamsville Environmental Assessment
Adamsville Solar Draft EA Appendices
Adamsville Solar Draft Environmental Assessment
More information on this environmental review can be obtained from:
Elizabeth Smith
NEPA Specialist
[email protected]
400 West Summit Hill Drive, WT 11B
Knoxville, TN 37902