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Bull Run Fossil Decontamination and Deconstruction Final Environmental Assessment

Anderson County, Tennessee

On June 8, 2023, TVA issued a Final Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Bull Run Fossil Decontamination and Deconstruction project in Anderson County, Tennessee.

TVA is investigating options for the future disposition of BRF including securing and maintaining the plant, securing and maintaining portions of the plant, deconstructing and demolishing the plant, or leaving the plant as is and taking no actions. Securing and maintaining part or all of the plant entails de-energizing the facilities and placing BRF in an “idle and vacant” status during which basic maintenance is continued to prevent safety and environmental issues. The project area covers approximately 252 acres within the 750-acre BRF reservation. All or most of the buildings and structures within the project area are being considered for removal. Decommissioning activities would begin upon unit shutdown in preparation for deactivation and demolition. Decommissioning includes removal of components that may be used at other TVA sites, draining of oil/fluids from equipment, removal of ash from the boilers, removal of information technology assets, and removal of plant records, etc.

The Draft Environmental Assessment was released for public comment on December 5, 2022. The availability of the Draft EA was announced in social media content, fliers, and newspapers that serve the Anderson County, Tennessee area. A news release was also issued to the media. TVA’s agency involvement includes notification of the Draft EA to local, state, and federal agencies, and federally recognized tribes as part of the review. Comments on the Draft EA were accepted for 60-days, through February 2, 2023, via TVA’s website, mail, and e-mail. TVA carefully reviewed all of the substantive comments received. Comments were summarized and included in Appendix A of the Final EA.

TVA has prepared this Final EA pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to evaluate the project alternatives, preferred alternative, and analyzing the potential impacts on the environment associated with the decontamination and deconstruction of Bull Run Fossil Plant.

Related Documents

Bull Run Fossil Decontamination and Deconstruction Draft EA

Bull Run Fossil Decontamination and Deconstruction Final EA

Bull Run Fossil Decontamination and Deconstruction FONSI


More information on this environmental review can be obtained from:

Brittany Kunkle
NEPA Specialist
[email protected]
400 West Summit Hill Drive, WT 11B
Knoxville, TN 37902