Johnsonville Aeroderivative Combustion Turbine Project
Humphreys County, Tennessee
On July 12, 2022, TVA issued a Final Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Johnsonville Aeroderivative Combustion Turbine (JCT Aero CT) project in Humphreys County, Tennessee.
TVA is proposing the addition of 10 natural gas-fired Aero CTs at the Johnsonville Reservation. The Aero CTs would generate approximately 550 MW and are expected to be in commercial operation by December 31, 2024. TVA’s Johnsonville Reservation currently houses 20 simple-cycle CT units within the Johnsonville Combustion Turbine (JCT) plant. The existing JCT Units 1-16 will be retired with their combined generation being replaced at TVA’s Paradise and Colbert facilities as evaluated in the Paradise and Colbert Combustion Turbine Plants EA.
The Aero CTs are highly efficient peaking units that can quickly achieve full generating capacity. As such, they will improve the system’s ability to effectively integrate variable renewable resources such as solar and wind. TVA has prepared EA pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to evaluate the project alternatives, preferred alternative, and analyzing the potential impacts on the environment associated with construction and operation of these Aero CTs.
The Draft EA was released for public comment on January 10, 2022. The availability of the Draft EA was announced in newspapers that serve the Humphreys County, Tennessee area. A news release was also issued to the media. TVA’s agency involvement includes notification of the Draft EA to local, state, and federal agencies, and federally recognized tribes as part of the review. Comments on the Draft EA were accepted for 30-days, through February 8, 2022, via TVA’s website, mail, and e-mail. TVA carefully reviewed all of the substantative comments that it received. Comments were summarized and included in Appendix A of the Final EA.
Related Documents
Draft Environmental Assessment
Final Environmental Assessment
More information on this environmental review can be obtained from:
Brittany Kunkle
NEPA Specialist
[email protected]
400 West Summit Hill Drive, WT 11B
Knoxville, TN 37902