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Muscle Shoals Reservation Complex D Consolidation Environmental Assessment

Colbert County, Alabama

On December 14, 2023, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) released the Final Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Muscle Shoals Reservation Complex D Consolidation project in Colbert County, Alabama.

Tennessee Valley Authority is purposing to modernize, optimize, and consolidate facility operations at the Muscle Shoals Reservation (MSR) within Complex D. The removal and consolidation of multiple inefficient and deteriorating buildings into one facility would reduce maintenance and operational costs, while improving working conditions, overall functionality for traffic and pedestrian traffic flow, and allow for necessary upgrades to aged utilities. Additional benefits of this proposed action are to consolidate functions inside the secure footprints of the new buildings and to eliminate numerous safety and environmental hazards along with building code concerns that currently occur within the existing buildings. In an ongoing Valley wide effort to optimize and update core TVA facilities, TVA is proposing the replacement or relocation of several building structures on the TVA MSR at Complex D and exploring the opportunity to replace the use of certain structures with new facilities that are better designed to meet current and future resource needs, energy efficiency goals, and regulatory requirements. This proposed reduction in administrative space supports TVA’s Strategic Real Estate Plan (SREP) and the ability to align business goals; to reduce Operation & Maintenance (O&M) expenses, right-size TVA’s building portfolio, and reduce capital expenditures, while providing economic development opportunities for the local community.

TVA has prepared this Final EA and FONSI pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to evaluate the project alternatives, preferred alternative, and analyzing the potential impacts on the environment associated with the consolidation of Complex D facilities.

Public Involvement

TVA requested comments on the Draft EA and any potential environmental issues that related to the proposed project. The Draft EA was available at tva.com/nepa  for 30 days from September 6, 2023, through October 6, 2023.

No comments were received regarding this project.

Related Documents

Final Environmental Assessment


Draft Environmental Assessment


More information on this environmental review can be obtained from:

Neil Schock
NEPA Compliance
[email protected]
400 West Summit Hill Drive, WT 11B-K
Knoxville, TN 37902