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Ocoee 1 Hydro Consolidation Environmental Assessment

Polk County, Tennessee

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) completed the Final Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Ocoee 1 Hydro (O1H) Consolidation Project on February 9, 2022

Currently, staff and operations at O1H are inefficiently divided between the three antiquated administrative buildings: the O1H PSS Building AEM8474 (White House, or Ocoee Assembly Building), O1HTODA Building AEM8475 (Rock House, or Ocoee Main Office), and O1H Plant Office O1PO (Plant House or Ocoee Regional Office). In order to function in a more efficient and economical manner, TVA is proposing to consolidate people and functions from the three existing buildings into one new building and potentially dispose of the three vacated structures.

This EA evaluates the potential environmental impacts of the disposal of the three administration buildings, and the consolidation of their functions and operations into one newly constructed building. It examines 3 Alternatives: No Action Alternative; Alternative A - Consolidation via License or Easement Grant; and Alternative B - Consolidation via Demolition. The property disposal methods may occur individually or together.

A draft of the EA was issued for public review and comment from February 3, 2021 to March 3, 2021. TVA responded to the comments received in Appendix A of the Final EA.

Related Documents

O1H Consolidation Final Environmental Assessment

O1H Consolidation Draft Finding of No Significant Impact

O1H Consolidation Draft Environmental Assessment


More information on this environmental review can be obtained from:

J. Taylor Johnson
NEPA Compliance Specialist
[email protected]
1101 Market Street, BR2C-C
Chattanooga, TN 37402