Proposal for Commerce Park Interstate Site
Dyer County, Tennessee
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has completed an environmental assessment (EA) and issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for a proposed economic development grant through TVA InvestPrep funds to the City of Dyersburg (the City) to assist with the development of the Commerce Park Interstate Site, as a result of their February 26, 2021 application. The area of TVA’s proposed action comprises approximately 25.9 acres of the total 67 acres of the Commerce Park Interstate Site located between Fort Hudson Road and U.S. Highway 51, approximately 5 miles northeast of the City of Dyersburg, Tennessee. TVA funds would be used for the clearing of approximately 0.1 acre of trees, the grading of a 200,000 square foot dirt building pad (and associated parking and truck dock areas), construction of a gravel access road, construction of two detention basins, installation of temporary marketing signage, installation of erosion and sediment controls, and the stabilization of disturbed areas after grading activities are completed, within the Commerce Park Interstate Site in Dyer County, Tennessee.
Related Documents
Dyer County Final Environmental Assessment
Dyer County Finding of No Significant Impact
More information on this environmental review can be obtained from:
Brooke Davis
NEPA Specialist
[email protected]
400 West Summit Hill Drive, WT 11B
Knoxville, TN 37902