Revisions to the Tellico Reservoir Land Management Plan
In May 2022, TVA completed an Environmental Assessment (EA) addressing the environmental impacts of proposed revisions to its Tellico Reservoir Land Management Plan (RLMP). The revisions are the result of TVA’s review of the suitable uses of parcels through its land planning process. With the final EA, TVA issued a finding of no significant impact (FONSI).
The final RLMP issued by TVA revises an RLMP completed in June 2000. Additional information about the revisions to the plan can be found at the Final Tellico Reservoir Land Management Plan.
After conducting public scoping in early 2021, TVA issued the draft EA and RLMP for public review and comment in November 2021. TVA appreciates the public’s interest in this process and has provided responses to public comments in Appendix D of the final EA.
For more information about reservoir lands planning, please contact:
Lesley M. Webb
Senior Specialist
Tennessee Valley Authority
2835-A East Wood Street
Paris, Tennessee 38242
[email protected]
Related Documents
Final Tellico Reservoir Land Management Plan
Final Environmental Assessment
Draft Environmental Assessment
Finding of No Significant Impact
Tellico RLMP Revision - Scoping Report (2021)
More information on this environmental review can be obtained from:
Matthew Higdon
NEPA Specialist
[email protected]
400 West Summit Hill Drive, WT 11B
Knoxville, TN 37902