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Riverton Development Section 26a Approval – Nickajack Reservoir

Hamilton County, Tennessee

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) to consider a Section 26a application request from Riverton LLC to develop a master-planned residential community on approximately 155 acres of private land on Nickajack Reservoir in Chattanooga, Tennessee. TVA made the draft EA available for public review and comment in June 2023 and issued the final EA and finding of no significant impact in July 2023. On August 23, 2024, TVA issued a revised finding to address changes to the proposed development.

The proposed residential project, as modified, would include 38 residences with associated infrastructure (e.g., roads, utilities, stormwater appurtenances), about 75 feet of shoreline riprap, and 17 residential floating docks. TVA’s action includes the approval under Section 26a of the TVA Act of the placement of fill in the floodplain, installation of residential docks and riprap, and use of portions of a TVA Transmission right-of-way.

The project area is located along the Tennessee River in Chattanooga and includes approximately 3,400 feet of frontage on the north bank of the river (between river miles 469.4 and 468.6). The project area is adjacent to Rivermont Park and Champions Club Tennis Complex to the west and the Dupont Parkway bridge to the east and includes the site of the Lupton City Golf Club.

TVA has consulted with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Tennessee Historic Commission, and federally recognized Tribes about the proposal. In addition, Riverton LLC has coordinated with the City of Chattanooga, the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Related Documents

Riverton Development Section 26a Approval Environmental Assessment

Finding of No Significant Impact

Revised Finding of No Significant Impact (2024)


More information on this environmental review can be obtained from:

Matthew Higdon
NEPA Specialist
[email protected]
400 West Summit Hill Drive, WT 11B
Knoxville, TN 37902