Rockwood Campground and Marina
Roane County, Tennessee
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) evaluated a request from the City of Rockwood for the development of a full-service marina and campground in Rockwood, Roane County, Tennessee on Watts Bar Reservoir. The proposed facilities would be constructed and operated by Blue Ridge Development, LLC, and would be sited on approximately 43.21 acres. The Project Area consists of 9.34 acres of TVA property transferred to the City of Rockwood for public recreation, 23.57 acres of TVA land between the 750-foot and the 741-foot contour elevations, and 10.3 acres of harbor limits located on TVA land below the 741-foot contour elevation.
Under the No Action Alternative, TVA would not issue the City of Rockwood a deed modification to allow for commercial recreation and the City of Rockwood’s 9.34 acres would remain deeded for public recreation. Additionally, TVA would not issue the developer a thirty-year commercial recreation easement or the Section 26a permit required to construct the commercial marina and campground. The TVA land would remain available to the public for dispersed recreation and the City would retain appurtenant rights over the tract.
Under the Action Alternative, TVA would issue a deed modification to allow for commercial recreation on 9.34 acres originally transferred to the City of Rockwood for public recreation. TVA would issue the developer a thirty-year commercial recreation easement for the construction and operation of a commercial marina and campground. Finally, TVA would issue a Section 26a permit for all facilities built below the 750-foot contour elevation and the 10.3 harbor acres. Construction activities would occur throughout the 43.21-acre Project Area.
On December 1, 2021, TVA completed an environmental assessment (EA) and issued a finding of no significant impact (FONSI) for Rockwood Campground and Marina. The proposed action would add new recreation amenities for the surrounding community.
Public Involvement
Comments were collected from the general public, local, state and federal stakeholders from May 13 to July 9, 2021. All comments will be considered in preparation of the final EA.
Related Documents
Rockwood Campground and Marina Draft Environmental Assessment
Rockwood Campground and Marina Final Environmental Assessment
Rockwood Campground and Marina Finding of No Significant Impact
Rockwood Determination of NEPA Adequacy for Additional Bank Stabilization
Rockwood Determination of NEPA Adequacy for Floodplains
More information on this environmental review can be obtained from:
Elizabeth Smith
NEPA Specialist
[email protected]
400 West Summit Hill Drive, WT 11B
Knoxville, TN 37902