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Shawnee Project Phoenix

McCracken County, Kentucky

March 2024

On March 6, 2024, TVA finalized the environmental assessment (EA) pertaining to the impacts of TVA’s proposed action to construct and operate a pilot solar facility, potential Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), and transmission interconnection at the Shawnee Fossil Plant (SHF). 

The proposed solar facility would be located on the surface of the closed coal combustion residuals (CCR) area at the SHF, located adjacent to the Ohio River about 10 miles northwest of Paducah, Kentucky. Utilizing a portion of the approximately 309-acre area where CCR are being closed and managed in place, this project will facilitate the repurposing of an industrial brownfield site to produce up to 100 MW of renewable energy. Given its location on a TVA coal plant site, the solar facility will be proximately located to existing transmission lines. The proposed project will require associated infrastructure to interconnect TVA’s transmission lines and a potential BESS.

The proposed pilot solar development would occupy approximately 186-acres of the 340-acre Project Area. Solar panels attached via the PowerCap® system will provide a direct attachment method from the panel to the ClosureTurf® CCR cover system. The design would utilize the central inverters, transformers, substation, switching station, operations and maintenance buildings, and access roads associated with the current SHF facility operations.

The 2019 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) identified the various resources that TVA intends to use to meet the energy needs of the TVA region over the 20-year planning period while achieving TVA’s objectives to deliver reliable, low-cost, and cleaner energy and while reducing environmental impacts. The 2019 IRP anticipates growth of solar in all scenarios analyzed, with most scenarios anticipating 5,000-8,000 MW and one anticipating up to 14,000 MW.

Public Involvement

TVA invited public comments on the Draft EA during a 30-day public comment period that closed on November 6, 2023. Comments submitted were considered in the Final EA. All comments received become part of the project administrative record and are publicly available. The Proposed Action would provide cost-effective renewable energy consistent with TVA’s objectives to deliver reliable, low-cost, and cleaner energy while reducing environmental impacts.

Related Documents

Draft Environmental Assessment

Final Environmental Assessment



More information on this environmental review can be obtained from:

Neil Schock
NEPA Compliance
[email protected]
400 West Summit Hill Drive, WT 11B-K
Knoxville, TN 37902