SR Middleton Solar Facility
Hardeman County, Tennessee
On December 18, 2024 the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) issued a final Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the purchase of electricity generated by the proposed SR Middleton Solar Facility Project in Hardeman County, TN.
The EA assesses the potential environmental effects of constructing, operating and maintaining the proposed 55-megawatt (MW) alternating current (ac) solar facility. The Solar Facility would be constructed and operated by SR Middleton, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Silicon Ranch Corporation. The project would occupy approximately 348 acres of a 944-acre Project site located approximately six miles north of the city of Middleton and seven miles southeast of the city of Bolivar.
The solar facility would connect to TVA’s existing Selmer–Bolivar 161-kilovolt (kV) transmission line (TL) via an approximately 1.8-mile-long gen-tie line from a proposed on-site Project switchgear to the existing Bolivar Energy Authority (BEA) Hebron Substation west of the solar facility site. TVA would also perform network upgrades to portions of its existing Selmer–Bolivar 161-kV TL.
On September 27, 2024 the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) released the draft environmental assessment (EA) for the purchase of electricity generated by the proposed SR Middleton Solar Facility Project in Hardeman County, TN. Comments on the Draft EA were accepted through October 28, 2024.
Related Documents
SR Middleton Finding of No Significant Impact
SR Middleton Solar Final Environmental Assessment
SR Middleton Solar Draft Environmental Assessment
More information on this environmental review can be obtained from:
Brittany Kunkle
NEPA Specialist
[email protected]
400 West Summit Hill Drive, WT 11B
Knoxville, TN 37902