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Wilbur Reservoir Bridge Replacement

Carter County, Tennessee

TVA is proposing to replace the roadway bridge across Wilbur Reservoir in Carter County, Tennessee, near Elizabethton.  The Wilbur Reservoir bridge carries Wilbur Dam Road across the reservoir and provides the only vehicular access to local residences and important TVA hydropower and recreation sites.  With its modern construction, the new bridge would provide enhanced safety. 

To minimize disruption in the area served by the bridge, TVA is proposing to construct and open a new bridge adjacent to the existing structure, prior to demolishing the existing bridge.  During this construction, there may lane restrictions or closures for brief periods, construction/heavy equipment traffic, and construction-related noise.

In November 2024, TVA completed an Environmental Assessment (EA) that addresses the potential environmental impacts associated with the proposal. Upon completion of the EA, TVA signed a finding of no significant impact (FONSI) to conclude its environmental review. 

TVA released a draft EA for public review in June 2023.  During the 30-day review period, TVA held two public meetings to provide information to the public and solicit comments about the proposal.  The final EA includes TVA’s responses to public comments submitted during this review period. 

TVA plans to begin construction in early 2025.  Construction of the new bridge and demolition of the existing bridge are expected to take about 20 months.    

Related Documents

Wilbur Reservoir Bridge Replacement Draft Environmental Assessment (PDF)

Wilbur Reservoir Bridge Replacement Final Environmental Assessment (PDF)

Wilbur Reservoir Bridge Replacement Finding of No Significant Impact (PDF)


More information on this environmental review can be obtained from:

Matthew Higdon
NEPA Specialist
[email protected]
400 West Summit Hill Drive, WT 11B
Knoxville, TN 37902