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Floodplain and Wetland Public Notices

Executive Order 11988 – Floodplain Management directs avoidance of adverse floodplain impacts to the extent possible whenever an eligible action is proposed. Executive Order 11990 – Protection of Wetlands directs avoidance of adverse wetland impacts to the extent practicable when new construction activities are proposed.

The projects listed below are categorically excluded actions known to result in minimal and insignificant environmental impacts once standard avoidance and minimization strategies are employed. However, because of the project and topographic constraints and minimizing impacts to other social, environmental, or structural resources, no practicable alternative may be available that would allow complete avoidance of impacts to floodplains and wetlands, which may require mitigation for minimizing impacts. Also, best management practices and activity-specific measures would be utilized throughout the project to minimize the adverse effects.

To further abide by the floodplain and wetland executive orders, TVA is seeking public comment on the avoidance or minimization of potentially adverse floodplain or wetland impacts for proposed categorically excluded activities subject to the orders (see Floodplain Class Review for activities exempted from individual No Practicable Alternative analysis and public notice [page 22845]). 

Floodplain and Wetland Projects