Mobile Aquarium
Did you know there are more than 240 species of fish in the Tennessee Valley region? You can learn more about our native fish by visiting our 750-gallon traveling fish tank at the events listed below. See types of fish you’ve never seen before—and you might get a chance to hold a live dragonfly larvae! And it’s a great opportunity to learn about TVA-managed public lands, water quality improvement projects, aquatic plant management and lots more.
“Some folks will go their whole life and never see some of these species out here, so it’s really a good opportunity for us to highlight the biodiversity we have,” said John Justice, TVA fisheries biologist.
Throughout its history, TVA has served as the environmental steward of the Tennessee River watershed and several reservoirs that provide an abundance of aquatic life and support the local economy through recreational activities.
“It’s important for us to get out the message that we need to take care of our resources and we need to ensure that we are supporting a healthy fishery so we can draw this into our local economy,” Justice said.
Near the tank, biologists have a bowl of cards with pictures of fish species. Children love playing "Go Fish" as they match a card to an actual fish inside the tank!
Check back in spring to see where to "catch" us in 2025.