Contact Information
For more information about navigation on the Tennessee River, email [email protected].
You can print navigation charts and obtain purchasing information from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District website.
To report missing or damaged buoys, hazard markers or dayboards on recreational channels on the Tennessee River and its tributaries, please contact TVA using this online form.
Missing or damaged navigation aids marking the commercial river channel should be reported through the U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center website. You can also report via phone: If you spot a problem on the river between river miles 0-205, call the Coast Guard at 731-642-4457; if you spot a problem between river miles 206-652, call the Coast Guard at 423-622-2101.
(If you’re not sure whether the navigation aid falls under the governance of TVA or the U.S. Coast Guard, consult our Navigation Aid Problem Report.)
For detailed information about the operation of TVA-managed reservoirs, including water release schedules at individual dams, hourly updates on reservoir elevations and seasonal operating guidelines, go to our Lake Levels page, or call TVA at 865-632-6065.
Phone Numbers for the Locks on the Tennessee River
Fort Loudoun Lock
Melton Hill Lock
Watts Bar Lock
Chickamauga Lock
Nickajack Lock
Guntersville Lock
Wheeler Lock
Wilson Lock
Pickwick Lock
Kentucky Lock