Navigation Aid Problem Report
TVA and the United States Coast Guard work together to keep buoys, daymarks and other Tennessee River system navigation aids accurate and in excellent condition. Navigation aids on the commercial navigation channel are maintained by the Coast Guard, while those on the secondary channels and tributary reservoirs are maintained by TVA.
If you see a navigation aid that is damaged, out of place, missing, or not operating properly, please make a selection below and complete the form to notify us.
Main River Navigation Aids Maintained By U.S. Coast Guard
Red Nun Buoy
Green (or black)
Can Buoy

Red Commercial
Channel Passing Daymark/Daybeacon
Green Commercial Channel Passing
Red Over Green Junction Buoy
Green Over Red Junction Buoy
Red Light
Green Light
Red Commercial Channel Unilateral
Green Commercial Channel Unilateral
To report problems with the navigation aids above, click here.
Secondary Channel and Tributary Reservoir Navigation Aids Maintained By TVA
Secondary Stream
Red Buoy
Secondary Stream
Green Buoy
Secondary Stream
Red Fingerboard
Secondary Stream
Green Fingerboard
Keep Out/Hazard Buoy
Danger Buoy
Information Buoy
Control Buoy
Creek Fingerboard
Elevation Gauge
Secondary Stream Daybeacon
Daymark With Mile Marker
To report a TVA maintained navigation aid, please use this online form.